Sep 16, 2010

10-31 10k?

so im going to make this brief cause its late and I have two tests tomorrow....

I remember how well I was able to stay away from sugar for a week when I posted my progress on here since I felt as if I had ppl keeping me accountable soooooo I am hoping that this will work again.

in class my teacher presented me with a challenge. Well the whole class, and it wasnt really a challenge...more like a suggest of something to do. Run the Wounded Marine Corp 10K oct. 31............SWEET! Well i have never run any sort a race/marathon/mile so I was skeptical yet at the same time I really had this urge to run it... (God?) who knows.

So I go to the teacher to present my problem and see if he thought it was possible for me to do it. As I was attempting to describe my "concern" he basically shuted me upped and introduced me to his TA Holly. Shes in the same boat as me!!! SOoooo long story short, starting mon morning I am going to be training with Holly for the 10K Oct first. I will be posting updates and prgress and challenges just cause having to refect keeps me motivated. I am also going to create a motivation paper for my door.

1) lost of weight!
2) goal to become a runner for awhile now being completed
3) force to be healthy
4) show off to my doctors
5) confidence in my abilities!

I should make a mention of something since I mentioned doctors. I have Rhuematoid Arthritis. Look it up and you will see pics of distorted hands... no worries! that is the extreme untreated result of RA. I take meds that control it. So I have many docs. at a certain cool hospital. Well thats always been my excuse for the lack of endurance and strength...not anymore. As of now I consider RA to be GONE! no more! Healed! I am in Remission and I can run just like anyone else!! I will not complain I will become friends with Holly, learn all I can about her, and maybe we can have talks about Christ and God! Im sure she is a Christian but who knows :) Im excited!
I have told 5 ppl. 3 of which live close to me at college, 2 hrs away. One of them, my sister, agreed to being my accountablity partner and is going to push me :D Bring on the challenge! Im going to do this! I want so bad to succeed! Why? cause for years now I have always wanted to be able to run a I am going to learn to run (more jog) with the big girls and guys!

Ok well I'll keep you updated for sure starting mon.

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