Mar 31, 2013

Breaking Culture

So, as I have realized multiple times before, Christians are so cross-cultural and completely anti-culture at time. A follower of Christ will cause great confusion and easily anger others due to their belief and actions. Not because of hurting someone or doing something morally wrong, but because going against the norm can result in uncomfortable feelings. I have decided this post should be about ways followers of Christ break culture. This list, started 3/31/2013 will be updated randomly.

  1. Christians believe that they do not have to work to get into a better place. No amount of good will earn them a spot in Heaven. (Ephesians 2:8)
  2. Christians forgive friends, family, and peers for hurting them. Trying hard to give bitterness and grief to God and not seeking revenge or justice. (the Gospels) This is only by GOD's power. Not their own! As humans it is very hard to truly forgive others.
  3. Christians believe that God stated through the ten commandments that it is a sin to murder. This same God ordained, planned, and allowed His son to be murdered. Even with God "contradicting" His own law, Christians (me included) love Him all the more. Worshiping and celebrating the day God allowed murder! 

Mar 24, 2013

"Breeze appreciation moment"

"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." John 3:8 (NIV) 

To me, this simple verse helps me accept differences within Christians. There is no set way for a Christian to live. There is no set pattern, role, or even cultural based rules by which he/she should follow once giving his/her heart to God. If it were that simple then the bible could be translated literally and the same for all, and there would be an easy rule book for us to read...but because of free will and God's beautiful unique creation of humans, it is not that simple. I am so very grateful and over joyed for that. But we shall focus on winds, like a simple science class... 

what do you know about winds? probably more than me. I do know they are formed due to many factors, one big cause is the sun energizing the air. Pressure systems cause wind too. Hot and cold fronts bring in wind as well. But to keep this simple we will focus on the characteristics of wind.

 There are many characteristics of wind. Some winds are soft, gentle, comforting in heat (hence the breeze appreciation moment title).  Wind can be strong, powerful, storm-filled, changing the environment in ways undesired! And there is a comfy medium. A wind we know in the changing seasons: one that is strong but is fun, tossing the leaves around, or in spring carrying kites high and allowing children to imagine flying up there with their kite. Do you ever stop to think about where it is going, where it is head and if it will ever stop or slow down enough not  to be felt?

Every Christian is it's own type of wind and each type of wind goes in different directions or patterns. One thing is for sure, the most noticeable winds are closer to the ground, effecting the lives of the people in some way. From peaceful breeze appreciation moments while marching under the summer sun in band camp (The phrase should be credited to my boyfriend's band director which my boyfriend carried on) or the gentle breeze at the beach, to maybe winds that cause happiness, joy and creating kites to take off and fly, to winds that stir up the environment cause people to rebuild their lives, however tragic or hard it will be to face, but with a new-found hope and life at the end.

No wind is bad. No wind is not used by God. Each wind is memorable, but each wind is directed by God. 

Mar 18, 2013

Creating a job that doesn't exist

PLEASE READ "Wanting to be an OT when not an OT" first. It will explain a job role of Occupational Counselor and my basic desires for that job. This I feel could be applied to any idea for a profession/career!

So how do you create a job that doesn't exist. Well if you actually listened to the entire lecture, I wish I could give you a hug, a car or a ginormous present because it is dry and it most likely doesn't apply to you. But I do want to be involved in this type of position, this area of work, if simply part-time. So how to I begin to start this idea in to a physician's head. How do I begin to set up for myself a place where OT's rarely (if never) dabble in?

Two broad answers that come to my head: Networking and Leadership skills.

Networking skills:

  • befriend and hold professional relationships with OT's
  • maintain professional relationships with doctors of many fields
    • ask questions
    • show interest in their field and their patients
  • seek out opportunities to get involve and work along side doctors. not just OT related events but show support to for other fields. Why be segregated?
Leadership skills
  • Take time and effort to really understand profession
  • Show initative! place yourself in situations that will require work and commitment to solve a problem or to interact with others
  • Get co-workers on your team, 
    • ask for advice from even the "smallest" of employee. Just because their role is considered smaller than yours does NOT mean they are less important! Consider their ideas, their suggestions equally to those above or equal to you! Even ask them for help/ideas too.
But how do you START to take these skills and then push yourself into that position? Is it as simple as sitting down with a physician and sharing your idea? Actually that is a great start for me now... I think I have an idea of a timeline....

  1. Collect basic info on the idea (Profession's development). 
    1. What would position look like?
    2. What are the specific roles? What would be involved in this position?
    3. What is the purpose of this position?
    4. What is the goal of this position?
    5. What is the mission of this position?
    6. What could be the expected outcomes of this position?
  2. Sit and discuss profession idea with a variety of OT's 
    1. share info gathered
    2. Gather ideas, reactions, worries, advice
  3. Re-look at profession's development (step one)
    1. re-write based off of OTs' suggestions
  4.  Find an OT mentor that could help share this idea with other physicians.
  5. Repeat steps 1-3 at least three times!
  6. Sit and discuss needs of client and patients with physician regarding functional needs and desires and fears
    1. suggest broad idea
    2.  gather reaction, ideas, tips, suggestions
  7.  Re-look and rewrite profession's development.
  8. If physician is interested, meet again, discuss changes and other ideas.
    1. continue with changes until it "perfect" with you and physician and an OT mentor
    2. discuss who to talk to next to form position at facility
    3. then what?... 
  9. If physician is not interested, network to others. 
    1. ....then what? 
Now i am lost... Suggestions? help? I have two more years of schooling to develop necessary skills such as writing, proposal writing, program development, and networking. I wonder if this could be my capstone project! :D

Wanting to be an OT when not an OT

What is attached above is a lecture I attended on Valentine's Day. Amy Lamb, Vice President of AOTA, led a motivating discussion on the politics and changes of OT, what our role is during this changing time and what our roles can be in the future. I will talk about two of the points mentioned in the lecture based off of what I remember.

As an OT we need to get involved in political or financial aspects of our facility or hospital. This includes being active, not passive. Contact legislators and have your opinions heard. Network within your facility (especially if you work in a hospital) and attend meetings regard the Affordable Care Act. This takes effort, time, energy, but for my beliefs and my ideas, I find it worth it. I want to be involved as a leader one day. Not simply an OT.

Point number two: Occupational Counselor! Not a real position but a possibility for one! I heard about this and was excited and motivated! Due to the time constraints on doctors, they simply give out diagnosis (Dx), explain the health implimcations and exit the room, leaving the patient to look up facts (however disturbing) on their smart phones. How stressful and scarey! Questions that may arrise in a client' head include: How iwll this affect me? Can I still work? Will I be able to take care of my kids? What will change? How will I change? Will I need extra help in the house? Can i still live at home? I feel this stress is unneeded! As OT's we have the know-how to hear the diagnosis and walk into the room and say, I am here to tell you all you need to know to go home to still be you whether you are a loving mother, a hard working employee, or a child. We can go in and say to a patient Dx with Multiple Sclerosis, "Here are the different patterns of relapse and remission. Lets discuss ways to prevent relapse, ways to take care of yourself, and ways to still be able to fulfill your current roles. Just because you are Dx with this does not mean you are not cable of doing." Unlike doctors, an OT can take time to get to know the patient's life, their functional needs, see what level of therapy is needed currently, discuss methods and techniques that will assist with decreased energy levels, decreased strength, decreased self-esteem/mood, increased pain, or increased risk for falls. Just through discussion in a physician's office, I feel OT's can become the perfect counselor! By use of telecommunications (chat, e-mail, cellphones, skype, voovoo) the conversation does not have to stop for these clients until the next appointment!

Think about how you would react if you were...

awaken to find out you now have a seizure disorder

your doctor finally diagnosis the pain in your hands and knees and hips as rheumatoid arthritis

the eye doctor says you have myopia macular degeneration

You were just dianosised with Type 2 diabetes

Now what?! How would you feel? What questions would first arise in your heads? Where or who would you turn to first for information or support? Has this ever happened to you? If so please share. What do you think would have been most helpful for you during the initial Dx and for a time afterward?

Mar 8, 2013

Disadvantages of Almond Milk!

I did rave about Almond milk in my previous post, however I have found some disadvantages any kitchen lover should be aware of! (this will be updated as I find more disadvantages to almond milk...)

  • Hamburger helper...ewww...just trust me...if I could describe the results I would say the cheese hamburger tasted like baby food and any cheese flavor was washed out by the sweet almond milk...
  • pudding, unless you use vanilla flavored almond milk and it is vanilla pudding but it will be very running comparatively. 
  • Slim fast, protein mixes do not mix well in Almond milk
  • Cakes are moist but so moist they crumble when you try to ice them...