Jun 30, 2012

Weird obsession?

Soooo since being at NY for my internship I have discovered I have a new obsession.... I am collecting magazine ideas. Only four types of ideas though so there is organization of some sort: Crafts, Recipes, Room styles, and Workout moves/tips. I call the notebook the Dani Book of Everything Home-ish. I officially classified this as an obsession when I started to rip pictures of rooms out of Home magazine in at doctor's office... is that rude or socially unacceptable to do that? I really liked the style of the room! It was a pretty teal and grey mixture...  Its kind of fun. I feel like its my very own Pinterest in a notebook. Did I ever discuss why I didnt keep my Pinterest? to make a long story short Pinterest produced sinful thoughts. Nothing serious (though sin is sin). I would lust and want. I would become unhappy with my current life. So I quickly rid myself of my "membership." Its a great imaginative website to share ideas! just not for me :) But now I have my own way to creating my very own collection of ideas with the focus on the future and not how my life could never be or look like that. I have SOOOO many recipes! I look forward to having a grown-up job and being able to afford to make pepper-crusted steak with roasted veggies on a regular basis! :-D Oh or apricot-pistachio salad! haha im looking through my latest collection of magazine rippings. (clippings but I didn't have scissors so I ripped them out of the magazine). Maybe I should control when I rip... but its fun! plus I don't have to order the magazine myself! ;-) Oh wait! that could be a reason why its socially unacceptable! right? mmmmm I guess this could go into a values/moral debate...

Is ripping pages out of a magazine you didn't pay for the same as stealing? 
  • Its still taking something you didn't pay for
  • its only a magazine that costs $2-$4 a magazine... so that's like 5 cents a page
Have fun with this! hahah