Apr 30, 2012

Two of the many reasons Im not normal... oh and Squirrels!

Guess what!
 Im not normal!!

 Guess what!
Im glad!

Im weird and this post is about two reasons in particular...

1) I can not multi-task with the TV on...

you know how some people can watch TV while completing homework,  talking with ppl, ect.? That might even describe you! I cant...like seriously, when the TV is on my mind turns off and I stare into the rectangle of images whether or not the sound is on. No matter what you tell me or what happens I will most likely miss it... A bomb could go off and I will ask what that noise was mmmm about 5-10 mins after the fact... if I'm still alive and the TV is on of course. Idk why! I've tried hard to fix it and if im really really determined to complete something with the TV on I can but its mentally exhausting if longer than an hour and if my mind wanders for just a second then ZOOP straight to the TV and its a challenge to get it back on track. You can make fun of me...everybody else does. (no go ahead and laugh its one of my quirks I kinda enjoy living with)

2) I am a morning bird!

Seriously, I, a 21 yr old college student, enjoys waking up at 6:30-7am everyday and going to be around 10pm. I would rather get up at 4am to complete school work than stay up till 3am and sleep till 12. I feel so gross and weird when I sleep in and my body does not allow that too often. Plus if I wake up at 11 I feel the day is almost over!!! I love starting the day productive cause I tend to continue this motion of productivity. I guess its like the idea that if you eat a healthy breakfast you will tend to eat healthier during the day. But yes Im a morning bird, I wake up quickly, I get going quickly and then when 7pm rolls around I am allowed to slow down, granted that's when everyone else is running full steam! Somehow ppl can work on school work for hours after dinner! I've tried to become more of a college student by forcing myself to spend longer nights with friends in their dorms...then this semester I decided to stop fighting and start working with my body! From a book that i've finished reading (Good and Beautiful God) it suggested in the very begining that you set up a sleep schedule or pick one day a week to sleep in... I went for the former and after a 16 weeks of going to bed at 10 during the week days I have decided that I LOVE IT!!! I dont care that everyone else is up, I want my sleep! granted on the weekends, all is off! I may get tired quicker than everyone but at least I stay up longer! haha! I hope to FOREVER be a morning bird!! I love it, I feel great, and when I get up earlier and I have longer, rest-free quiet times with God and that's just what we both enjoy!

So in short, if you want to put me in a box... I am a silly, easily distracted morning bird! (squirrel?)

Great maybe I am a squirrel.... How would you define squirrels? crazy? sporadic? silly? hyper? nuts like what they eat? hey at least they are fluffy and cute! right? Maybe I am a squirrel! idk how I feel about that...

New Joke!...guys take note ;)

0 to 200 in 6 seconds
Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was
really pissed.

She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the
driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!"

The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke
up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box
gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.

Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought
the box back in the house.

She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

Bob has been missing since Friday...

Apr 25, 2012

 So I like to draw too... Here is pic I drew from from a pic I took recently... surprisingly my favorite part of the original pic is the man smiling in the back ground, not the colorful parrot. The parrot was just the most fun to draw.
Obviously I have a good bit to learn about drawing faces! :D

Apr 18, 2012

Heading North... and missing South.

Im set. I know another part of my life will be spent....up north. New York for the summer and then Ohio for 2.5 years of more school!! So much I could write on this so here are some short note
a) its amazing how God works/provides for us in the littlest of details (placement of acceptances for internships and OT school)
b)I HATE THE COLD!!! So, like a bird, I will be heading south (Fl) for winter break.
c) I'm curious about culture in the north versus the south....

SOooo my amazing boyfriend came with me to visit my internship up in NY by lake Erie. A 10 hour drive took us 13 hours. Our first night we decided to go out to eat somewhere nice. We drove around and couldn't find a decent sit-down restaurant and I decided I'll go in and ask someone in a movie store. I'm gong to be honest, I went in thinking about the steriotypes placed on NY-ers...rude, rushing around, not really wanting to stop and help ppl....well that wasnt the case at all! I asked one of the workers at the front and then a sweet lady jumped in to give suggestions as well! then another man made a suggestion! By the end of talking with the store clerk and the lady we had (in our minds) directions to this one restaurant and the store's number in case we get lost. SO SWEET!! I kinda felt like skipping out of the store haha (i think i did...)

SO we arrive at the restaurant and as the waitress led us to our table and was placing the menus down were she anticipated our placement of booties, my Bf came over to my side to pull out my chair. This really confused the waitress and she tried to quickly rearrange the menus thinking we were sitting side-by-side. Then my Bf went across the table (after I sat down) to take his seat which confused the waitress even further so she picked up the menus and waited till he sat down. She was in shock! not that extreme... "I have never seen that before while working here!" almost like a man pulling out a chair for a lady was unheard of. I think she loved it and thought it was cute. After such an event we were very sociable with her and talked about the area and so forth. I told my bf multiple times how much I'm going to miss his chivalry and manners over the summer! Well that night started my awareness on southern and northern cultural differences which I hope discuss as soon as I move up there in May! 

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Happiness (I believe) is enjoying every God given event after another. Enjoy the company of friends, enjoy the quietness of solitude, simply enjoy the moment as it is. Do not spend time looking toward the future or the past, there will always be questions, regrets, and "what ifs." There will never be a moment like this again. Thank you God for the uniqueness of each day!

Apr 2, 2012

The Girl..who happens to have a Dragon Tattoo...maybe spoiler..

So shortly after New Years, My best friend Rachel and I decided to see a movie called (if it wasnt obvious by the title) Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.GREAT MOVIE! and Rachel, who read the book, said it was very close to the book minus a few details. The movie was very R rated and honestly a lot of unneeded sex scenes. BUT that's not why Im writing this!
The girl, Liz, is who I want to focus on. My first impression of Liz was a hard-core, tough, goth, who just wasnt someone I would go up and talk to on the streets...granted I dont normally go up and talk to ppl on the streets... Then she gets raped...more than once and the second time she is raped was the most graphic (not the most graphic scene in the movie) She was chained by all limbs to the bed, beaten, forced, and gagged. She screamed, yelled, and then cried in helplessness. To me at first (going to be honest) I kinda blew her off as feeling-less. Idk why really. I didnt consider her as a person. Then I saw this scene. I saw her cry. She became a girl to me. She became a real person who I felt very sorry for. That part of the movie I almost cried. I felt helpless as she did. I do not the true pain she was going through but I can sense the helplessness. She was just a girl to me, being brutally raped. After that movie, walking out, I wondered if my perception of ppl who put on these masks of being tough, goth, changed. I'm so certain it has. In a way, it made me really see people as people I guess. Weird how one movie can clump the entire human race into my learning experience... Anywho, I desire now to maybe find a way to reach out to everyone and anyone. No one, by dress, looks, or supposed attitude should turn you away. Where is God's love in that. No one should not receive a smile, or a helping hand. What throws your mind into judgmental thoughts? For me, girls with snobby faces, who look as if they believe they rule the world... kind of. Then my mind races about and will start to judge them even though they do not deserve it at all!!! I feel that Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, made me realize, on a more extreme level, how people should never be placed in boxes.

Idk if I actually finished everything I wanted to say. I wrote this over Christmas break. sorry this is late.

Surgeron Danielle General's Warning...

SENIORITIS has finally hit me this semester!!! Which is great b/c I believe I have worked hard all three year years of college sooo honestly Im oky if I simply get only B's which is where I am currently in my classes. I'm seriously only putting effort in class projects because they are so much more interesting than regurgitating information about insurance types and assessments. I think after an entire day of sleeping, I'll be more motivated to focus...maybe :)   As a medical-loving student, here is my version of the Surgeon General's warning on Senioritis...ACTUALLY!! the term Senior-itis isnt correct. -itis means inflammation, like swelling... The term  should be Seniorism/ Seniorosis (condition,disease) Seniorcide (destorying/ killing), or hullcsenior (wandering of the mind)

Danielle General's Warning on: Seniorosis

Symptoms include

  1. Not caring about an upcoming test
  2. feeling of coasting with the feeling of dragging but not caring
  3. Classes have resorted to more classes in your pillow.
  4. You start considering how you can become rich off Facebook or ideas from pintrest than from your future career
  5. wearing sweatpants a little more than you should...
  6. You would describe yourself as mediocre and your happy with that...
The Cure...GRADUATION and it just never comes soon enough!! 

some of you are already experiencing these symptoms as juniors, sophomores and possible freshman... There is no hope for you! You have caught senioritis too early and it will only progress with time!!! Quick, find some form of hope! Get help! Go see a hypnotist! There is hope, I just cant offer it to you... Stop this disease before it truly becomes seniorcide and destroys all your hard high school work!!!

Good Luck!