Feb 12, 2014

Building a Vocabulary!

Hello! So I signed up for Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day e-mails.

And I love them! The words given are typically rarely used but so practical in everyday situations. That being said I decided to use my Blog as a way to use these words in sentences along with their definition. Feel free to correct my grammer or usage of the word as I am obviously NOT an english major haha.

Lets get to building my brain!

  1. Eating sushi and then salsa in the same night was not very simpatico combination for my stomach.
    1. Simpatico (adj)--agreeable, likeable; being on the same wavelength; congenial, sympathetic
  2. My friend's brilliant cut ring had such a refulgence that one had to stare at the diamond for more than d a few seconds.
    1. refulgence (n)--a radiant or resplendent quality or state: brilliance
  3. To call someone a jerk during an argument is not a meed.
    1. I strive to give God such a meed of praise for His gift and love to me!
    2. meed (n)--a fitting return or recomense
  4. The recently married Kate received a parvenu due to her marrage with Prince William, however she appears to have adjusted quite quickly.
    1. parvenu (n)--one who has recently or suddenly risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the prestige, dignitiy, or manner associated with it.
  5. While working on group projects, there maybe one person who feels they are the regnant leader of the group.
    1. Regnant (adj)--exercising rule; reigning; having the cheif power; dominant; or of common or widespread occurence.
  6. By responding to comments or questions pollicitally, your anodyne statement will not represent your true emotional and mental state regarding such matter.
    1. Anodyne (adj)--serving to alleviate pain; not likely to offend or arouse tensions; innocuous
  7. God desires to deracinate His children so that we might be fully in love with Him and show the world His love through us.
    1. deracinate (v)--uproot; to remover or seperate from a native envrionment or culture; especially to remove the racial or ethnic characterisitcs or influences from culture or native envrionments.

Feb 2, 2014

Pursuing Strengths NOT Changing Weakness

A person is truly bettered and fulfilled when pursuing his strengths than focusing and trying to change their weaknesses.

I have come to this conclusion over the past three months and hits many areas of my personal, professional, and future life circles. To begin, a few of my strengths I can plainly state include: social butterfly, energizer bunny, love for those with special needs, passion for medicine and helping others, open book, and love to listen.

I will be following up this post with a post about a book and assessment I took specifically on my strengths and narrowing them down into certain categories. But for now here are the reasons I feel this statement I made is one I should live by.

A person is truly bettered and fulfilled when pursuing his strengths... This statement is simple but I have seen played out many times in my life. I reflect on most recent times of volunteering with Gliding Stars. Gliding Stars in an adaptive ice skating program for children with a variety of special needs. My mom and boyfriend can agree that every time after volunteering and helping with the program in someway I am upbeat, I talk very fast, I want to share this joy I have! Not only do I feel so fulfilled but I noticed a more openness to learn and be humbled.

While at Gliding Stars or on Fieldwork, compared to any other times, I am most open to constructive criticism, more open to see where I need to humble myself and give credit to others, and not just see this but to take action regarding such. I am open to learn, to be corrected, to grow. I am open and available to be corrected... I'm not 100% sure why but I have a theory.

When I am pursuing activities in which my passions and strengths come naturally, I focus on the other person. My focus and desire is on other people. I want to be corrected, changed, bettered so that the people I am focusing on receiving the best care, and they are having a great time Not only that but the correction is most likely just one thing I need to work on, one thing I can improve! One thing I can better with my other strengths!

There are MANY times I am so focused on how I can better myself. I think about what I am lacking...silly things like a great vocabulary, witty sense of humor, creative ideas, mature personality, or even a quiet personality, sugar addict (especially cookies...), grace and poise (i am pretty awkward and clumsy), and I can be a terrible problem solver. When I see my faults, I create a long laundry list of what I need to change. Then have someone come in and say one thing that even slightly suggests an imperfection and I am depressed, beaten, and the cycle continues. Even pointless things really stick in my head. However when I am immersed in game night at a friend's house, hosting a party, volunteering, whatever, its that true immersion, the Flow Principle, that really lightens my mood, opens me up for change, and allows myself for correction.

How does this apply to God? While I currently do not have scripture to back this up... I truly believe god gave us passions and talents, skills and gifts. God wants us to further develop them, grow in them, and focus on how you can use them for His glory! Whether its playing a sport, do so and recognize the potential to show God through your actions, words and support of others. Whether its being a janitor, oh the possibilities to start up conversations with so many people, while showing the hard work ethic God has given you. Or me! a social butterfly who would try (just once) to start a conversation with you on a plane, train or bus just to hear your life story. god has used those just to briefly mention my love for Him.

I feel that just as God gave us strengths, He also gave us weaknesses for a few good reasons...
A) humble ourselves... guess what we are NOT perfect and we are not going to be perfect.
B) to rely and work with others....God made us to work and collaborate and form relationships with those whose strengths overcome your weaknesses. So much more can get accomplished with a partnership (a Godly marriage for example)
C) to realize that when we do overcome our weakness or surpass them that it is by God alone and NOT by our own doing.

I believe we can work hard to change our weaknesses, but ultimately it will still be considered a weakness and it is our attitude and faith in God to overcome the burden a weakness can give us. My hands will never stop changing colors, I will never be called the model of the family, I will never be sharp witted, clever, and a keen problem solver, BUT I am a beautifully created daughter of God and God has a purpose for my strengths and support and other beautiful creations to help with my weaknesses.