Sep 29, 2010

Day 8?

kinda forgot what day im on.... well heres an update.

My cold has become a slight cough but whats weird is that when I run i complete forget i have a cold at all. Its not a bad cold so it has not affected me very much. I am losing excitement though.... I was suppose to be able to run 2 miles sat. Today (wed) I can only run 1.5 miles...though I think I can easily push myself farther....I wanted to be able to run 4 miles by friday. I guess its not humanly possible.

I did have a mini-break through while running today though. If you focus on your breathing running really is easier. The reason why i stopped running after about 1.5 was because i lost concentration on my breathing. I am able to take four steps per inhaling and then 4 steps per exhaling. Zen running is what i am trying to to. I am trying to get my mind off my body and on to somethingelse. its HARD! My mind wants to keep going back to "how am i feeling?" and "I think im tired now" Well Im losing faith in myself because of my lack of distance. I really wanted to be able to run the whole 10K now i'm just shooting for half the distance... :( ick...

I am very thankful for my supportive friends who said they believed in me even though im sure they thought I was crazy... going from never running races to attempting a 10K...yea i was smart.

Sep 26, 2010


So im doing great ok, this past thursday I ran 20+ mins straight! about 2 miles! and then Friday... BAM! head cold! so i took a day of rest. feeling better, i lil stuffy but Im much better than Friday so I go for a run :) I run about 1.5 miles in 4:30 pm so Im proud of that :D and then this sunday morning...head cold has moved to chest... Day of rest again... I think if I can train really hard this week maybe I can run 4 miles by Saturday...idk what the body's limit is for running...i normally just run till i think im tired. Maybe what ppl say that its all in your head is true. Maybe if i really distract my mind I can run for hours. or at least an hour and 30 mins :D Im gong to work on that. I actually feel like I can run and think better without my Ipod. So back to bodily limits. What is the limit for anybody on training? For example is it possible to add 2 miles to your distance a week instead of .5 as suggested by Runners' World? Either way tomorrow is walking with Sally then Im running at the gym after comm class :D I have to be able to run 2 miles track wise. Im going to look into buying a watch to time myself when im running outside. My cellphone is too cumbersome :)

<3 well thats my update. Pray this cold goes away.

Sep 21, 2010

Day 5 for 10K

I believe to have 40 days left to train for the 10K....I think I can run a mile and a half straight now...

My legs were really sore yesterday. I walked for 30 mins with my friend (who I shall call Sally) and then after class ran for 10 mins straight. Today Sally and I ran for 11 mins straight. She said it killed her while I was able to go home and run for about 3 to 4/10ths of another mile back at home... Im glad i still have time to work out on my own. I want to be able to go as far as possible Oct 31. I want to use the elliptical tonight but I dont want to wear myself out. I still have school. Which reminds me...I have to work on my Small Group!!!

Sep 19, 2010

10 comandments and Days 2-4 of 10K

Hello! Back from Contra-Dancing!!! WOW i highly suggest you try it! Im serious, Sounds really weird and kinda dumb, but if you go with a group its a BLAST! Its not just date dancing...oh have a partner (your date maybe) but you and your partner dance with other multiple couples going up and down two lines! BIG GROUP DANCING!!! well any ways I stayed the last night at one of my friends place and her and her whole family are well-read ppl. of course if you know me than you'd think "well almost everyone is more well-read than you." (I would rather run around and play and move than sit still and "cozy" up with a book...) But anyways they are SMART ppl! well being smart my friend has this book in her room called the 10 Commandments of America. Which is a book for ppl from around the world (students/business ppl)who are coming to stay in USA for a long time or live here. Well most of the statements about America, to me at least were true. "Time is Money" "Do what you can while your still young" "Shop till you Drop" ect. and then I get to the last one... "Commandment 10: God Helps those who help themselves (work hard). In the list of '10 Commandments', one might except that God would be mentioned in the first commandment rather than the end of the list. God actually does come last on the list for most Americans." oh... for me at least being a Christian and truly believing in God and His love and protection over me, reading that...hurts. I know its true, Im not naive. But having to read it...idk... really hit me. God really should be first but maybe its b/c we are so focused on being independent we forget how dependent we really are? America is set on earning $$$, being popular and well-known (at least by name), and being able to care for just myself...but in order to do that we have to climb on ppl's backs, take whatever we can no matter what... "Time is money!" "Its all about me!" can this way of life last? Surely USA was not always like this... Can you picture this way of life getting out of hand? What will it look like? go ahead and answer a way and let your imagination flow!

Day 2lil jog day 2 at friend's apartment
Day 3 Contra danced everydance and sweated like a dog! (at least I was active!) sadly I had cookout milkshake and hushpuppies afterwards...)
Day 4 3'o clock, ran almost the full mile to Gas station...mostly up hill so very proud!!! :D Tried to text training reply on when we are training tomorrow...

Sep 16, 2010

10-31 10k?

so im going to make this brief cause its late and I have two tests tomorrow....

I remember how well I was able to stay away from sugar for a week when I posted my progress on here since I felt as if I had ppl keeping me accountable soooooo I am hoping that this will work again.

in class my teacher presented me with a challenge. Well the whole class, and it wasnt really a challenge...more like a suggest of something to do. Run the Wounded Marine Corp 10K oct. 31............SWEET! Well i have never run any sort a race/marathon/mile so I was skeptical yet at the same time I really had this urge to run it... (God?) who knows.

So I go to the teacher to present my problem and see if he thought it was possible for me to do it. As I was attempting to describe my "concern" he basically shuted me upped and introduced me to his TA Holly. Shes in the same boat as me!!! SOoooo long story short, starting mon morning I am going to be training with Holly for the 10K Oct first. I will be posting updates and prgress and challenges just cause having to refect keeps me motivated. I am also going to create a motivation paper for my door.

1) lost of weight!
2) goal to become a runner for awhile now being completed
3) force to be healthy
4) show off to my doctors
5) confidence in my abilities!

I should make a mention of something since I mentioned doctors. I have Rhuematoid Arthritis. Look it up and you will see pics of distorted hands... no worries! that is the extreme untreated result of RA. I take meds that control it. So I have many docs. at a certain cool hospital. Well thats always been my excuse for the lack of endurance and strength...not anymore. As of now I consider RA to be GONE! no more! Healed! I am in Remission and I can run just like anyone else!! I will not complain I will become friends with Holly, learn all I can about her, and maybe we can have talks about Christ and God! Im sure she is a Christian but who knows :) Im excited!
I have told 5 ppl. 3 of which live close to me at college, 2 hrs away. One of them, my sister, agreed to being my accountablity partner and is going to push me :D Bring on the challenge! Im going to do this! I want so bad to succeed! Why? cause for years now I have always wanted to be able to run a I am going to learn to run (more jog) with the big girls and guys!

Ok well I'll keep you updated for sure starting mon.