Dec 11, 2013

Chess Table Success (well personal success)

I think at times I can be pretty awesome. Yes, I am boasting my self-esteem, yes that maybe prideful, but it is healthy to look at successes, personal or even societal and be joyful and thankful to God. This post is my first blog about how I created a chess table with pieces. Many thanks to ideas from pinterest but here is a specific and condense way to create your own chess board from a left over stand.

I had in my house a small, three foot night stand or round table. This table had seen better days. When i found it hiding under the couch, the top was separated from the stand. Thanks to Christmas and my crafty streak this semester (i have made snowman ornaments out of burnt out light-bulbs!) I thought of what I could turn the table into for a special someone. It did not take very long. My boyfriend has shared with me multiple times about how he would love a game table similar to my parents at home. He loves chess and before I decided to use this table for a Christmas gift, I decided I would simply buy him a chess board from lovely Wally World. Hand-made crafts are so wonderful for both sides of the exchange!
Oky enough back story and on to the craft! :)

Materials you will need:

  • Table top or wooden board
  • place you will nail, glue, staple the board on to when finished
    • nails, hammer
    • wood glue
    • staple gun
  • base color spray paint
  • gloss or top coat spray paint
  • wood or outdoor acrylic paint
    • have a color that matches spray paint color
  • paint markers or sharpie color of base coat or black
  • Ruler or flat edge
  • measuring tape
  • paper towel (optional)

Step One:

Measure out how big you would like your board to be. See how it will fit equally on your table. Pencil is great to write out measurements and where you would like to place it. I had it easy I discovered that the size board I wanted matched a square sheet of paper towel!! 10.5 X 10.5 inches.

Step Two:

Spray paint the table. To make it easier spray paint the table to one of the squares on the board. While wet-ish remark the outline or corners of where you want your board to be. If you are coping the paper towel method, then simply place the paper towel where you want your board. (note that my finished board does not use black for any of the squares) next take the pencil or end of a paint brush and rub the edges of the paper towel then peel the paper towel away.

Step Three:

When the paint is dry, measure out how many squares you need. A chess board is 8 squares by 8 squares. !0.5 inches is a weird number to divide into 8 segments but in centimeters that is 26.67. I divided both numbers by 8 and figured that centimeters would be easier to measure out than inches. Mark small lines around the board. the lines should line up with the opposite side of the board. 

Step Four: 

Use a flat side, a rule, thick paper, and connect the lines as straight as possible. I discovered that after making the lines in  one direction I made shorter connecting lines in the perpendicular direction instead of using a ruler or flat edge. the choice is up to you!

Step Five:

Paint the squares! Wait until one color is done before painting the next set of squares unless your base coat is the other set of squares.

Step Six:

After squares are finished and dried, I noticed that the squares were uneven, not neatly lined up...just not as nice as i wanted. I should have expected that since i do not have the straightest hand. I took a black paint marker and slowly drew in the lines to sharpen out the edges and corners for each square. This also showed me where i need to touch-up my paint. for example a teal seeped into the white square or vise-versa. This resulted in sharper edges and neater lines. Not perfect but much nicer looking!! 

Step Seven:

Spray with finishing coat or protective gloss! This will allow for cups, outdoor weather, whatever environment you decided to place your new game table to be protected and ready for anything thrown at it besides being thrown itself. haha

Step Eight:

if your base is not already attached, when the paint is dry, then attach the base to the table. Mine started out with nailing with broke the wood of the base due to age and past stress. I ended up using super glue and twine to tie and hold the base on the table haha. Whatever works!

ta-da now you have a completed and ready to use table...but NO pieces! in short I used river rocks left over in my garage and I bought a bag of them at goodwill for 50 cents. using the same paint markers i used on the table and my snowmen crafts I drew the desired shapes and pieces as pictured below. i also sprayed the rocks with the finishing spray to prevent the paint from chipping off. Take note each side of the board will have 16 pieces: 1 king, 1 queen, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, then 8 pons. and that is just one side! total a chess board has 32 pieces.

Some cool tidbit I discovered... there is no official chess board size. Apparently chess boards are suggested to be made to the size of the pieces but the standard size for a chess square is 2.5 inches at max. 

"The chess pieces should fit comfortably on the chess board, being neither too crowded nor too isolated on the squares.  The king and queen, for example, should be subject to easy placement on a square without touching any edge.  Chess boards for standard sets should have squares of approximately  2 - 2 1/2 inches (5.08 - 6.35cm).  One convenient test is that the square formed by the bases of four pawns should be about the same size as any square on their board."  - The USCF's Official Rules of Chess/compiled and sanctioned by the U.S. Chess Federation. -4th Ed., ISBN 0-8129-2217-4, David McKay Company, INC., pgs. 165-166

With the quote as a chess board is obviously NOT regulation standard. but that is oky because I am not expecting my board to be used in any chess competitions. :)

Oct 25, 2013

Love with Conflicts?!

Coming up a title for this long post was TOUGH! ... it may change...

How many personality tests have you taken? There are so many options!! How many of them gave guidance on to how to handle relationships, what to look for in relationships, or what personality type is "The One"? Even with an extensive knowledge on who you are and what you are looking for, it does not mean that who you choose to be with or who God placed in your life will provide the constant happy, conflict free life people desire for. How many personality tests ask about your history, how you were raised, your parents personality?

I really wished I discussed this in a past post but there was a married couple (like 3 years ago) who I look up to and desire to be like someday. This couple, at a disability ministry camp, acted like a team. God was purely radiating off of them! Their joy, their love for each other and for everyone else at the camp can only be attributed to God! I longed for that. I know it takes work to get to that point. I did not and still do not know the work, the effort, the discipline this couple used along with God to become who they were and still are today... 

Guess what! I was given a wake up call a long time ago that I am still facing. Being a Christian does not make dating a Christian that much easier. It only give the couple an extra connection in which they have to cling to together, a support from God that would never let them down. A guidance and an example to live by to love each other during all circumstances. We are not to be lazy. We still need to control our selfish desires, our tendency to be sinful. We also still need to understand our past, how we were raised and how we handle challenges. As Christians dating and marrying Christians life is not going to be easy go with the flow, happy-go-lucky, even though I'm sure many girls like me dream of it. Why do you think Christian getting a divorce in America is at a rate of "33%" or more (depending on where you look)? American Psychological Association states that the U.S's population rate of divorce for 2013 is 40-50%.

Weird.... Should not every conversation about God be loving, exciting, uplifting, especially with the one man you are expecting to be your husband one day? Should not two Christians exemplify God's love in every conversation and sharing of ideas? Don't "we" state and almost brag that God is our foundation, our strength? 

For awhile, our conversations of God and our beliefs have become so disastrous. I feel much guilt on my part and strive to find ways to better myself not really knowing why I always felt like I had to defend myself, my actions or who God is. I never really knew why I was struggling, getting upset, then shutting myself down during these conversations. Then they started to spread beyond discussions about God. These discussions occurred during ideas I had about work, ways I could possibly apply what I learned (even though many my intentions were to simply explore, never to actually implement), ways I could grow intellectually. That's not easy, every time I'd shut down. I think the last two "events" narrowed down the reasons behind what starts the debates, heated discussions, whatever you'd like to call it.

People handle challenges, ideas, conflicts differently. I can only really speak to my own and share what has been discussed an seen about Jeff. How we handle such conflicts comes from two areas: Nature and Nurture. I love coming up with ideas in how I can do something bigger or be a part of something bigger. Join a sport or band (which i did both haha), get a job, get into grad school, change a system, design a program, educate someone how this would help them feel better. My parents right behind me saying sounds great! What is your first step? that was it encouragement, no challenges (unless it was something stupid like make a natural swimming pool by digging a hole in the backyard...). However my personality also did not allow me accept challenges. Whenever something challenged or conflicted with my idea my first reaction is to panic, to try to defend, or run away. I feel like a failure when something does not go my way. However I dont stay that way. After I spend sometime steaming, being mad, crying, or journal-ing, I usually come up with (thanks yo God really) a plan or a next step to my actions. But that's it, just the very next step, not the next two steps or conflicts that might arise. The process starts over, so this process is a long road but it has gotten me into grad school, it has gotten me into horse shows (that's a story...), it has gotten me through my internship, and I know that is how I slowly grow in Christ. Its a bit of a rollercoaster, im not going to lie, however no one but those close to me catches a glmpse of this. Also when someone presents an idea of their own to me I encourage it, I supprt their idea by saying how I think its awesome (unless there is something dangerously or scarey wrong with it)! But that is not everyone...

My boyfriend, however, loves the challenge, loves the different ways he can grow his idea to be more successful, and loves growing people by throwing out different challenges to their idea. It is not that he doesn't agree with your idea, he feels he is helping you grow, being a leader by showing areas that need to be considered, counter points others may find in your idea to stop you etc. He grew up where his ideas and what he has learned through life has been challenged, where questions and debates were posed. Jeff learned to ponder over ideas, think about many sides, then present with counter points ready and ready to explore more. On top of this he loves to debate. This, as far as I have seen, has gotten him through understanding and debating politics, finances (which he is quite passionate about at current), getting through college with many honorable mentions from a dean of the college, getting a scholarship, and quickly hired into a banking position, and with many leadership opportunities ahead!

So with this knowledge, put us two together and well... its not always the prettiest... He is looking to grow me, I am looking to support him. He wants me to challenge and grow him, I want him to encourage me. Whoops! None of us are wrong we are both different. yes I get upset, yes i know I feel guilt. Jeff admitted that he feels guilty when he upsets me. But I never feel hurt afterwards. I never feel like he doesn't love me or I love him less.

Currently what we are trying to learn is how to prevent the upset-ness on my part based from the emotional attachment I get from any idea or belief I present. Jeff is able to emotionally separate himself from his ideas (a skill I long for...I am such a girl though hehe). My first thought is to find away to take a step back. Prepare myself for when he is going to ask questions. He can't warn me, and so far I cant stop myself when I am on the defensive, so I want to be able to stop myself before I start rolling downwards. This is not going to be easy, this will take much control and thought over my words. This is a wise skill God wants from us anyways!

Proverbs 12: 16 "A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult."
Proverbs 12:18 "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
Proverbs 12:23 "A Prudent man keeps his knowledge to himself, but the heart of the fool blurts out folly."
Proverbs 18:13 "He who answers before listening--that is his folly and his shame."

There are so many more proverbs that fit with where I need to grow. I need to hear the questions Jeff  is asking, not automatically take it as an attack to an idea. I need to stop, breathe, ask more questions in how to explore. Its hard! Its taking a habit and stopping it. It takes support from the outside. I mentioned to Jeff maybe he should give me a warning, however, asking questions is as automatic as my response. It will take prayer, it will take active action, it will take a slow growth.

So to summarize, just because you are a Christian, you are in or desire a relationship with a Christian, it's not going to go smoothly. except conflict, learn to handle conflict, understand how personality and home life has grown you and your partner. See where lessons taught back then lead to actions now. And overall be patient with one another as each one grows in his or her own way towards truth.

Romans 12:9-13
"Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. love one another with brotherly affection. outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs o the saints and seek to show hospitality."

Oct 3, 2013

"Missed you at Church..."

My first possibly man-made rule I thought of from Isaiah 29:13. Read HERE if do not know what I am talking about

For those who have grown up in the church, we have probably heard this or even said it before.
 "Missed you at Church."  Translation: "Where were you on Sunday that was more important than being at Church learning about God?" 

Sometimes the statement is truly "I missed you at church (because your my sitting buddy in the pew or isle and you were not there to hug)". However, more often than not, it's more of a suggestive, nosey statement that says tell me why you weren't at church. I have found some people (especially more so in the south) who get very offended if you do not attend church on a regular basis, and at one point of my life, I was that person. 

"You HAVE to go to church every Sunday! Its KEY to your faith!" really? Do we have too? Does it really affect our faith? What about people who have had terrible experiences in the church? (the stories I have heard are endless) Why can't people just learn about God in their homes, online, in their own bibles? Is attending church every Sunday mandatory for my faith?

What does the bible say about church? I was able to find many singular verses about church and of course Acts 2:42-47.

Here are two of the verses I found which are commonly reference to Church attendance and actually have a statement regarding "attendance"...
  • Hebrews 10:24-25 "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
  • Acts 2:42-47 "They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.  They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."
(This search has actually spurred me on to define what Church is...future long blog post I assume)
Out of these two verses, what are some commonalities? 
     1. Being with people! 
They were meeting together to do these actions. Not alone!
     2. Its a habit.
Not only was it a habit but a regular occurrence. As in Acts it was a daily event! But is that church or is that simply fellowship with friends. I think this is church. A more exploration of the Bible's definition of church will be later posted. 

    3.  Thoughtful of others.
breaking of bread,  sharing and giving of possessions for those who NEED it, and thinking of how to motivate and encourage others towards good deeds. This could be a multitude of actions and words

   4. Bright affect (Emotion)
These two verse are uplifting, they are hopeful, encouraging one another. No judgement, only welcoming. Even if the future seems bleak or someone was in need, the verse promote teaching and sharing and fellowship.

   5. Its not a building!
Wait, what?! Yes they had a common meeting place but these two verse do not specifically reference a meeting place! The church is not a place, its not a beautiful building, it IS the people, it IS the congregation and the family focusing on learning and teach about God and sharing God's grace and love and resources to EVERYONE else.

So do I think church attendance is God's original plan of what the church should be, YES. In what church is today, YES. Necessary for your faith, NO, Necessary for salvation, NO. Necessary to grow closer to God and to fulfill His plan? Yes!

God doesn't want you to attend church to check something off of a To-Do list.  I believe that God desires church attendance and church involvement because He made us social people. We were meant to have fellowship and a family that is focused on God and fulfilling His will. Showing and teaching others (ALL PEOPLE) about the grace and love of God! and we can not do this alone and even together we can not fulfill our mission perfectly. 

So I say, go to church. But don't just go to church, make a family within the church. Join a small group, find ways to support one another, or even help the community within your family. This takes action, this takes effort, this takes time, and this takes a part of your comfortable life. 

Here's another hint *No church is perfect, someone in a church will rub you the wrong way somehow...will that stop you from forming a family? Does God not have the power to give you strength and wisdom to love someone that makes you cringe?

Even though there is not such thing as a perfect church, I would suggest being involved in a church that does make you feel comfortable and loved. HERE is a small post that briefly mentions a terrible experience I had while visiting churches almost a year ago today... WOW has God grown me and my church family!

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Sep 29, 2013


What does it mean when we hear from the church and the bible that we are made in the likeness/image of God?  How do you imagine or how would you draw God?

Growing up in a fairly literal church, I was taught that we are made and look like God... I never truly believed that. Human beings are weird looking! We just are! Next time you are shopping, at a friends house, large gathering, look at the people around you. Seriously look at people and try to imagine what someone from an outside planet or even our fellow little animal friends would think about us. First we are the straightest standing animal, besides a snake getting ready to strike, we have round ears for hearing yet they have weird crevasses, and ledges within and then because one hole for listening isn't enough we add holes to them. Our height varies tremendously from 4 foot to 6 foot 9 inches in any given public space. We have really weird really look at a person's butt...just to look, its weird! just like out elbows they are weird too! And our hair! Why does our hair grow only on top or our head and then in places that increase the smell of BO if not taken care of or so thin on our legs and arms there is no way it is for warmth. I think this is also a look into why I don't really believe in Macro Evolution fully, we are kind of backwards and yet we survive and surpass all other living animals...because we are weird! Then our voices, our laughs, so different!

Yet supposedly we are made in God's image. Today reaffirmed my believe that we are not physically made in God's image. Yes god created us, Yes God Imagined us but are physical bodies are as my pastor put it Earth Suits! 

God's image is our spiritual selves!

Who God is, is evident in our spirit and what makes us human, not solely a scientifically defined homo sapiens. 
  1. God is creative! We are each very VERY uniquely designed and not only that but we are creative too! If you do'nt believe me then you must not have a Pinterest...look at your house or apartment, look at any form of artwork. The idea came from somewhere and something was eventually created! How amazing is that?! That is only a part of who God is!
  2. God has control and has given us control of the Earth! As stated in Genesis 1:28-30, he has made all things and has given us all things so that we may "Rule over" His creation for food and to "be fruitful and increase in number." However, as humans, we do not always govern over the Earth as desired by God. (Another post could be about the example God and Jesus led of ruling over the Earth)
  3. God loves Communion. Warning church word! By this the Pastor was saying that God desires us to be with Him, to have that relationship with Him and not only Him but others! God's desire throughout the bible old and new Testament, is that we as humans, believing in Him, create oneness, create relationships with people that are deep, personal, a communion like gathering where sharing of thoughts, concerns, problems, and ideas can be welcomed. A true family with all believers and openness to those who do not believe! Not only are we like God in our desire for physical relationships but reflect on the fact that "we have been created to live temporarily and on this finite Earth to be able to talk with an everlasting God!" (Pastor T.) 
Thus I do not believe God to be a human or to look like a combination of all humans put together. I believe God to look like something beyond our imagination and I can not wait to see Him in heaven. I am thankful for the descriptions of God provided in Exodus and in Revelation about the glimpses of the Glory of God! 
The second question above "How do you image or how would you draw God?" is where I may be considered a hypocrite. When I sit back and imagine God during my quiet times I picture the sun, warmth, the feeling of hugs. When i want to draw God, I try to go for a person. A Father-figure, not this ball of light or a spiritual nature. I love my boyfriend's interpretation of God and it fits closely with the what the bible states as the glory of God (I can not find the specific verse atm... sorry). He pictures God and fire-y show of all the colors emitting from a signal source. 

Questions given to me and now passed on to you.

How would you draw God?
How much value do you place on yourself? On others?
How can you better affirm the value of other people?

"The greatest error a person can make is to not know the truth about God. The second greatest error a person can make is to not know the truth about himself."

Exploring of Isaiah

BTW! "Practical Justice" by Kevin Blue (previous posts) pretty much ended with my last post. Kevin Blue made many of the same comments I shared and didn't share in the last remaining two chapters by giving resources and more stories I did not feel the need to post anymore. Now I am back into Isaiah as my quiet time and found one specific verse that caught my attention one very very late night.

Isaiah 29:13
"The Lord says: 
'These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men."

I could write so much about this verse in fact my goal this week is to meditate on this verse everyday. Learn something new each day, wait on God to reveal something new. But I felt like I would begin by focusing on the last statement made, "Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men."

I have grown up in the church. All my life, every Sunday was go to church, Wed was small group, youth group, or church again, and when I left home for school I was motivated to find a church home of my own. There is nothing wrong with that. I think its great that my parents taught me the importance of being involved in a church and finding a church family. To find the outside support system that has many ages of individuals not just my peers. I am thankful, God has used my past church families from NC and OH for advice regarding relationships, advice on balancing life, motivation for spiritual growth, and simply to be an example for me. However, I am blinded by the Church and understanding that what Church is could be simply made up of rules that we believe are to worship God but really do not add or even the rules hinders others from worshiping God. 

in my small group last Friday morning, Francsis Chan spoke of what God intended the church to be. A family, with a common goal, working together to reach the goal and by growing together, in communion and fellowship with each other. Not tolerating each other,but by being a true definition of a family. This lesson on top of Isaiah 29:23 cemented the notion that I should question or explore the reasons behind actions. Are they God's intention or man's design?

It is Sunday, the perfect time to write a list of everything that goes on in my church and that could easily be questioned as man-made rules, not God's design for the Church. I hope to explore each of the following... most likely in following posts. This list will most likely grow too...

  • Attendance to a Church
  • bringing a bible to church
  • Communion is a quiet, isolated act with you and God
  • Songs sung before and after sermon
  • Pastor talks, everyone listens, people say amen if agree, no one states disagreements
  • Sunday school is taught with one main teacher, questions maybe asked to group for discussion (depending on group) 
  • How you sing the songs (arms/hands up, swaying, clapping, dancing, etc.)

I am actually excited to dive into this list thus far! The following posts I hope to learn about what God desires in regards to each through the bible! The Ultimate God Decipher! 

I am also clinging to Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known."

Aug 28, 2013

Practical Justice: Fixing the Local Pond

Fixing a dirty nasty pond means you have to aware of the fact it is dirty in the first place. This book did not go into much detail as to why it choose to title the chapter this but i can see the reason.

Obviously this pond above is not able to support life other than foliage and specific algae and bacteria that can grow and thrive in dark conditions. Most of those types of bacteria and life forms are unhealthy for those relying on the pond for water and fish and even simply making their home beautiful. Before the pond has any hope of becoming clean or fixed the owner or a person must see the pond is dirty. However the severity of how dirty a person sees the pond varies greatly and the actual moment a person sees the pond is dirty also varies. For example, a person directly involved with water conservation or environmental sciences would quickly see this pond as unhealthy and needing repair while the owner of the property the pond may be on might take longer to realize or even never realize that the pond is dirty and harming anything or anyone for that matter. It is simply there. Or even owner of a pond is getting allowing people to wash their clothes or get water from the pond at a slight cost because it is the only place to get water from. The pond's natural filtration system is destroyed due to a natural event and quickly fills with bacteria, algae, and parasites. The owner of the pond is still getting cash income from those needing water thus does not see a problem with the pond. The people using the water are becoming sick and dirty because of the only water available to drink and use. Even when a few villagers who use the water make a mention of the pond, the own says there is water in it is there not? In reality, the owner chooses not see it. If he admits to seeing it, then he will have to fix it even if he has the money or resources to fix it.

How awful is that? The owner, obviously wealthy if he has land with a pond, would not change the circumstances to improve the lives of the villagers using his resource! If this were true, would this anger you? Here is an example from the book (pg 80). What are your emotions after hearing this?

A Broken System
Lisa grew up in an urban area that was mainly Latino and Anglo. This area as Lisa was growing up was beginning to grow in Asian population. Before Lisa was close to driving age, their family's car insurance rates went up tremendously. Lisa's mom called the insurance company many times to try to get the answer for the increased rates. One said it was the entire city, but one accidentally stated it was just that section of the city.Then Lisa's mom called and was answered by one very open customer service agent for that insurance company. Maybe he didn't agree with what was happening or he simply had a large mouth when he responded with: "well, the rates are increasing because your section of the city is becoming more Chinese rapidly.." So what about the hike? "Well, due to the slant of their eyes, Chinese people have poor peripheral vision. They are a greater risk to insure because they are more apt to get into accidents."

My first response was to laugh! Your's may have been the same or angry and frustrated at the system. Guess what this happens more than we realize and I admit I have been blinded to this issue for long time. Click this link to see another example of how social injustice happens locally.

Look at our system today. There are many pond owners that are not willing to share their resources for the betterment of a group of people. Who are the first people to have their homes removed due to an interstate being built? Which group of people will be targeted by INS even if they are legally allowed to work? Who typically writes the history books? How do change this?

I wish I could share this entire chapter with you but you really should read it!!

A broken system is not new. The bible has many examples of when the justice system was flawed or needed change. Read Amos. He calls to God for justice in the justice system.

Changing the System
This is going to take three requirements:

  1. Time
  2. Effort
  3. Engagement
Time: you need to put time into your research, time into your community, time into community meetings, time will be taken away. Are you worried or care enough to make time? Time for me is a scary word because I dont usually have the time or I think I have the time and then I do not. (The joys of school)

Effort: you have to do research, you have read and understand your community or government. Where does your local government prevent resources for those living on low-wages? Where does your government help those on low-incomes? How are the school provided for? Are all school systems or area equally funded or provided for? 

Engagement: Go to the town hall meetings, discuss with those about change or ways to change a system. Work with an organization, a church group, an after school program. Maybe even create your own. A wonderful example of how a church was involved in helping a deadly street intersection near-by showed how the church could be involved with the state successfully. However that changed when they realized that a prominent member of the church would be greatly affected if they pushed for a new road system. Instead of looking for solutions, they crumbled and settled with simply providing aid to victims and then support to families who lost lives. Nothing in the book described if the pond owner threatened or simply said no or what, however because of one business and one connection in the church, the church stopped trying to save ppl's lives and kept quiet while putting people in danger.  Engagement is risky, just like effort, and time, you will lose much. It is up to you and God to determine if it is worth the cost.

My boyfriend has been so patient in opening up my eyes to the corruptness of this world and even this country. This book even further pushes this point. Why could I have not been open to this before? With America holding on to 50% of the worlds wealth but only 6.3% of the world's population, it is hard not to be greedy and desire to keep that status. I obviously do not know all that America has done in regards to controlling countries and others for gain, but I am putting more trust into the whistle-blowers of the past, current and those to arise during the future. Yet it is still hard for me to reason with, truly comprehend, and deal with what has been told to me. Why? because of the "idealistic slogans" and of course national pride. I have grown up with it and have seen it on all of the news channels. When truth like how the government meddles in the lives of the oppressed and then other countries for economic gain it is hard. It's against what my brain has solidified as fact. I become frustrated and its hard I want to defend what I know even if its very little or does not hold up to presented facts. Many feelings are hurt. It takes time to understand and be open and active in finding the truth.

What About God?
Kevin ends this book on a key message and one that is only possible through God's wisdom and guidance:

"If we engage what is going on in the world, we must accept that things will be messy and there will be great suffering. But though we fully engage in this world, our HOPE does not rest upon it."

My life verse applies to this post more than I realized and a verse I need to apply to my life.

"Do not conform any longer to the patter of this world 
but be transformed by the renewing of your MIND."
 Romans 12:2

Aug 24, 2013

Practical Justice: Teaching a Man to Fish

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

The book opens up with a story of Nihm who lived in the slums of Bangkok, Thailand on purpose! She set out to teach the families how to save money to buy their own plot of land. She specifically set out in this area because a highways was planned to be built in the middle of the slums and everything the families owned would be lost. As the book mentions saving was unheard of in these areas and I am sure understanding how a bank works or having a saving account was also hard to obtain. Nihm however helped over 60 families save money and work with a government program to obtain loans.

I noticed that Nihm's work and efforts had a pattern. She started by being open about herself and sharing her life with the families first. They eventually would open to her. (you can not force trust and openness) She then told them about how God led her through her problems and taught her skills necessary for life and the desire to show others. Although this did not lead to everyone accepting Christ, many families learned to save ( a skill) and change their lives by owning property. many people came to know Jesus and the gospel because of  Nihm's the personal involvement. 

Kevin also stresses the importance of teaching children while they are young. "Research shows that children who fall behind early in school tend to drop out eventually." While my first thought was CAPSTONE project idea!! My other thoughts that followed were the many ways I could fit my occupational therapy degree into this community need! What are ways children fall behind in school? lack of understand of the subject, lack of confidence in school due to lack of success, lack of family support, etc. I could provide opportunities for educational success for these children and suggest and offer resources to the family to promote better learning support. Handwriting camps or programs are notoriously known for increasing confidence in school and vision skills needed for reading. Other than that this increased a desire in me to participate in programs or organizations in which children have opportunities to learn life skills needed for present and future success. 

In this book, many examples are given. I wrote down a few teaching based examples maybe you could offer:
  • Having kids or teens over to help put in wood floors, fix plumbing or work in the yard. This provides the children a) learning a skill and hands-on experience in a trade such as carpentry b)time together, c) feeling needed and successful at a task with a group of people
  • Providing help and assistance with financial information such as budgeting or financial management, buying a house or dealing with loans, or working through the banking system, 
  • Helping people navigate through the medical system and understand insurance, Medicaid and Medicare systems and offer assistance and knowledge to help make choices for their health and family.
  • One woman taught a girl in a poor neighborhood how to read recipes and cook. This not only greatly increased her success in school but also provided a source of income for her family when she sold her baked goods.
Everyone has different skills and advice to share and offer. We should be open and willing to share. However Kevin makes a great point. We need to form a partnership with the individuals we are teaching. We must make sure that we do not look down on people we become personally involved with who have less than us. This is OT too ;) Let them solve their problems, let them apply themselves to learn. Form a partnership with them or a friendship first.

Kevin also stresses the importance for preventive efforts with children. A quote I feel is quite applicable... "It is far easier to preserve and nurture a child's dignity than it is to repair and adults--though with God, all things are possible."

What do you know about the jail system?

What are some correlations of those who become imprisoned?

What are some ways these correlations could be dealt with and imprisonment prevented?

Are we truly "a society the effectively refuses a substantial portion of its population any real way of surviving with a reasonable standard of living, yet declares that it is all about 'liberty and justice for all'?" 

Practical Justice: Giving a Man a Fish

 "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. 
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Ever heard the saying above. People could use this quote in many different ways. The reason they wanted to be a teacher, the reason to teach a trade, the reason to support a program, and the reason to not provide direct relief to someone in need. To put it in real world terms... Give a man a pizza or 5 bucks and he could possibly feed his family for a day. Teach him to make a pizza and he could work at Dominos, Little Ceasers, or Papa Johns and earn $7.25 an hour! 

However, when there is a need, a day of learning and then spending weeks trying to convince people to hire you does not fulfill the need and the need is still there. Direct relief is needed and should be offered. Luke 6: 30 states "Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back." It becomes a great starting point and opening door to begin teaching to fish. 
Direct relief needs to be met first and the best way to give direct relief is with personal involvement! God has entrusted you with resources and with a responsibility. Keven Blue gives many suggestions on how to help with direct relief!

Suggestions given of direct relief and suggestions to consider:
  • taking someone to lunch with you or giving them a meal from a restarunt 
  • giving food to food banks or similar organizations but know where you place your money. Understand how your gifts are being used.
  • Get involved and volunteer with an organization and STICK WITH IT for a few YEARS! not for a month, not for a semester or season...for a few YEARS! 
Your life situation may not be open to serve in person or maybe financially but there are many opportunities for you to serve God's kingdom. Simply knowing how the system itself prevents others from growing and prospering fairly is a wonderful step in the right direction. That is an area I, personally, do not understand. 

Practical Justice: Loving Others Comes with a Cost

Why hello fellow readers/bloggers of the internet world! I have notices from the stats provided by this cool blog site that the most read article to date is my article on Luminosity. I can see why. People enjoy practical, useful information, not everyone is willing to sift through chatter or personal recounts unless the stories are quite entertaining and well written. Well sadly those posts will be rare but keep your eyes out for the next big post!
For now I am diving into a book as my quite time. I am taking a break form the Old Testament; which my boyfriend and I have been reading and discussing about for over a year now. I am reading a book given to me by my Campus ministry (Intervarsity Christian Fellowship) at East Carolina University title: Practical Justice by Kevin Blue. I already ready 2 chapters previously before deciding to actually take and then share my notes with you. Its a small book and easy read thus far with many amazing examples and questions. Maybe you should use this book in a small group setting? I would only suggest this book for small groups that are tight-nit, have a strong God-based community, and that have a desire to do something more together. This book is wonderful for personal growth too! 

SOooo I will start on Chapter 3: Love comes with a cost.

Mark 8:35 "Whoever loses his life for Jesus' sake and the gospels will save it."

I can hear it now..."Wow this is very uplifiting and way to jump right into the hardest and most unmotivating part of serving...." Well Im not sorry. This was not intientional at all, however, suck it up and face it. Serving is not easy. Loss will happen. When serving you risk loss in time, energy, money, comfort, physical well-being such as health, and emotional loss. Kevin offers many examples of how him and his friends and partners in ministry have loss loved possessions like wedding gifts, and bikes as well as trust for others. In a personal example Kevin explains how even after an extended, giving relationship to a local homeless man Ron. Even after many acts of kindness and love to Ron, Ron steals one bike and breaks into the house the following night to steal another. Loss of trust. 

While some costs to serving seem more important or costly than others (such as loss of a bike vs. loss of a few extra dollars) the key point of this chapter is that the cost is worth it...even when we dont see it... This book provides examples of times when extended service and gifts have led people to God and to a higher quality of life. However, Kevin points out that rarely did he ever see the result of his actions When serving, dont expect to see a glorious result, don't expect to be rewarded on the spot for your actions. (Another loss, your pride...) So what is the point of serving then? Well when you truly put your trust in God that He would use you and your service as His acts of love to change people, peace and a growth of desire to serve God's creation begins to grow. Your acts of love may not change a person's heart but may change your own.

Questions to Explore:
1) Do you see the value of each person as greatly as Jesus sees them?
Honestly for I wish i did and for the longest time I fooled myself into thinking that I did but no. For example, On a bus trip to NYC with a small group of friends, we met a man named Craig. At first, due to his 48 oz of beer and his loud personality and over-aggressive tone to the bus driver, we determined to sit as far away from him as possible and I did not want to even make eye contact with him. I saw him as an obnoxious drunk. Well to make a story short we actually spent 24 hours with him on the bus and through transfers too. We had lunch with him, we shared food and learn about his life. There was much more to him than meets the eye.  He was a third grade teacher with a degree in elementary education. He is now working at a TV studio. We prayed for him after he left and hoped that he saw God in some way. Craig really opened my eyes to my earthly judging attitude. 

2) What are your initial thoughts when you drive by or see someone or a group of people not cleanly dressed or acting slightly out of the ordinary?

3) Are we willing to have the small/unnoticed role and not be the star when serving?

Yes! however it's always the big star roles that get noticed and the small roles are often left out or forgotten about.It is easier to overlook the small but needed roles. Day to day I miss out on the small tokens of God's love I can share to others. Also I feel this question is connected to the number 1. If one is unable to see the value of or desire to show love to each individual how will one notice see the small ways to help? For example if you easily pass a person on the corner asking for money because of being hungry, how will you think of and allow the time and money to take them to lunch with you at a fast food restaurant? With the power of rationalizing, you would say the person only wants money to pay for drug use or whatever. I fall into this sometimes...other times I wish i had a few $$'s to give but I rarely caring cash.

Ever seen Shallow Hal? I did recently and the movie fits perfectly. How do we view ppl as desirable or beautiful, by their looks and outward actions or by their hearts and their potential in life?

Jul 2, 2013

Not Enough Stuff!!

This Morning I read and dove into Ecclesiastes 6 and felt i should post my thoughts and notes:
Click Here to Read it!

In the first verses I read my thoughts immediately see (whether this is true or not) that God causes the evil of wanting more stuff by giving wealth and honor to people. As an earthly human, we received wealth and earthly possessions or honor and we instantly want to gain more and keep up the work to gain it again! On top of it, the bible says a stranger enjoys it more so than he! I experienced this with a pay check I received after a hard long week at work with training and picking up day camp shift on Mondays. It was a great check! It covered more than my allowance covered in a month! I was excited and thought to myself "I could keep up this amount of work!" Taking a step back I thought to myself, no I couldn't. It would be hard, and not worthwhile. That week I had no breaks, no time to relax and build relationships. I was stressed with school work to the point of one of my first anxiety attacks. (thankfully that's when God stepped in...another post maybe) That amount of wealth is not needed or worth the cost and the stress.

 Ecc.6:2 "God gives a man wealth, possessions, and honor, so that he lacks nothing his heart desires, but God does not enable him to enjoy them and a stranger enjoys them instead."


However, does God cause this evil? Did God just promote man to sin?  Why would God do that? Why would God allow such hard nights and stressful days? I do not know the answer to this. I do not know if it to teach us that our hearts will always crave more or if it is different and more in-depth than that.... There is hope though.

Have you ever seen veggie tales? Have you ever seen Veggie Tales Madam Blueberry, or Veggies tales: The Toy that saved Christmas? Veggie tales is a wonderful children's video collection tackling the bible and different attitudes we face. Like selfishness and envy over objects or friend's toys. Its quite cute in a kiddy-sense with songs and funny fruits and veggies hopping around. Madame Blueberry

However, how often do we long for our friend's car, their money, their looks, their free time, even their supposed intelligence? It is easy to see someone and to wish for something of theirs. I truly believe this to be a sin and it is one I struggle with! It saddens us, it hurts us, and it could lead to us hurting others.

God is known to give many gifts! For example Ephesians 2:8, and now we learn that God gives wealth and honor even if it causes evil...So why does God give people wealth and honor? "So that man's heart desires nothing..." yet we do! Our culture is wanting the next new thing, the next new X-box or dvd player or flat screen tv or smart phone... But this morning I discovered another gift God gives us. This passage is a reflection to the end of Ecclesiates 5; specifically 5:19-20, "Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot, and to be happy in his work--this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness in his heart." To be happy and joyful about what we have currently is not possible by human means. God, gives us the acceptance, the joy, and the peace with our current possessions and our circumstances so that we are not so blue! I also feel this is need if we are to give to others, to feel we can give away our time and money and not cling to it selfishly or with worry about the future.


What wealth or honor have you received in the past week?

What benefits or bonuses did you get from it? What cons or negatives were felt from obtaining the wealth and honor?

Are you truly happy or joyful with your current amount of wealth and honor?