Nov 13, 2010

I understand-ish

Ok, I know I was suppose to write Chpt 13 on Corinthians Thursday but I had a test and I wanted extra study time. I have time this morning so I will knock it out in my very next post (unless someone distracts me :D )

Background story of yesterday.

I had a small group leaders meeting with all the small group leaders and our awesome leader/coordinator/ father to us all at 1:15....which I forgot about until I ran into a friend at 12:30. Well when I ran into my friend i just made it back to my apartment complex via bus. I decided I'd catch the very next bus to make it there in plenty of time... SO I made lunch and talked with roomie and then decided to facebook (oops). Missed the bus... great... so I get everything ready and I hop in Melvin and park near Minges football feild. almost missed that bus but I parked ahead of a bus stop so I can get out quickly and meet it at the next. Which I did successfully. Well after meeting and another class I came to the revelation that i forgot my licence at home. I am a super goody-two-shoes so I did not and I will not drive without my licence (unless I did not realize it) So I call my amazing boyfriend and we hang out and go on our date. afterwards we go to look for my car...I cant find it... its like 11:50pm so the lot is basically Empty. Im trying hard to flip out because my car is not where I remembered I parked it. boyfriend spots a Camry farther up and it is Melvin. It is NOT where I parked it. I remember it so vividly still where I parked it originally. Melvin was parked in sport 141, facing the curb, where off to the right of my car pillars which line along sides of the bus tract almost end. I had to walk briskly over a hill of grass, to the gate where a girl in a lime green hoodie stood waiting for the bus as well.... My car when Adam and I found it. backed up into a space, so railroad tracks were right behind it... Nothing different about it. Car mileage was roughly where I remember it, no seat adjustments, nothing missing (thank goodness nothing important was in there before) car ran fine.

The reason for this story is because while trying to figure out how my car got there, my boyfriend kept asking me, how many times did I drive to campus, are you sure your not just remembering another time...questions like that... (Now before I go on I must make a mention that before these slight questions were asked, he took the time to look into my car windows and trunk to make sure no-one was hiding in it as an amazing boyfriend should, and these questions weren't thrown in a mean manner either.) So now I am MAD...i suppress it as best as I could because my boyfriend was not meaning anything by the questions. But I thought "He thinks Im crazy! Im not crazy, This is not in my head!!" I did tell him that and i think he actually believes me... (he told me to call my parents about not going too) As we drove off in our own cars to my apartment I am hitting the steering wheel wishing that I can figure out what happened! maybe I left the car unlock in my rush to get out. Why would it be moved from a car spot that Im allowed to be parked in? How can I prove to my man im not crazy? Then I think...if Im getting angry over someone not believing that I am not crazy over a car, what about ppl who doctors tell them it is all in their head? A car is something material, easily replaced and what not...knowing something is wrong with you and doctors are saying your crazy...well your kind of attached to your body. I can understand-ish (not the same scenario but still). You are racking your brains trying to come up with all sorts of proof but the only proof is what happened to you. No physical, visual proof, just words which without faith mean nothing. Its frustrating cause being considered CRAZY without trying hurts...its not who you believe you really are.

A random example that came into my head: Words/statements apparently are true when the most ppl agree with them. A random example (and probably a bad example)is the law of gravity. basically objects are forced to the ground by a pull due to the rotation of Earth and its placement with the sun (and other factors as well..not going to be a science class). So if you throw a rock it will eventually hit the ground. Well what if I were to state that everything is magnetic! And the earth is attracting us and everything which is why everything hits the ground. I'll be considered crazy because more ppl believe in the original law of gravity. (of course I do not believe my "theory" because if everything is magnetic than something could easily be repelled by the magnetic force and things would fall at different rates due to the amount of magnetism not so much weight)

The End :D

Nov 11, 2010

Time to Kill but not enough to do something productive

So I decided to waste this time to summerize all that I and my roomates have learned from living in an apartment. This list is not in order of importance :)

1)sponges are hard to keep from smelling
2)clothes stink if they are left in the washing machine for more than 4 days
3)pepper/jalapeno pancakes are disgusting
4)traffic cones make better pets than pet rocks
5)a venus fly trap is essential for survival
6)Venus fly traps really dont eat THAT many flies
7)Bananas are the only reason I dont have scurvey
8)Disposals do not like spoons and shot glasses (duh)
9)Dont put a Lean Cusine package in the toaster oven
10)very rarley is anyone able to hold an inteligent conversation after 9 pm on tues.
11)ppl assume you wash your sheets once every two weeks...dont correct them ;)
12)PJ's = what I am wearing now...except the jeans

Nov 1, 2010

The Result

ok Im soooo sorry this is late! I came back to ECU and I have to run somemore (figuratively of course) Anyways since I was able to run only 2 miles straight and the 10K being 6.2 miles I discovered that with the help of random placed bands, ppl to run and talk with, and the 1/2 energy shot and Cliff Shot i had 20-5 mins before the race, I made it all 6.2 miles!!!!!!!!!! no stops, no walks, nothing! i even ran while drinking water (thats hard and then ppl are throwing cups everywhere and its basically raining and your trying not to spill your own drink on yourself cause you dont want to look weird like you cant drink water, even though your covered in sweat so there is really no point in trying to save any dignity) I have now signed up for the 5K in MD, my cousin's old highschool on Thanksgiving, and Im going to sign up for the Patriot run Nov. 20th. Im hoping my new running buddy Liz (named changed again) will join and Im trying to get with another guy ("and I will name him squishy")who runs faster so I can work on my speed and I wanna see if he would like to join. :D Kinda Excited. Liz runs a 3 mile loop with hills and Im thinking we could work on distance once I can run the whole 3 miles. We are going to run MWF and Im thinkin Squishy and I can run together thur. He talks alot which is GREAT!!! More distraction!!! Im loving running but now I need to make sure I dont spend too much on it. Its cost alot to sign up for these things. The Patriot Run is 15 for students, the one im doing over Thanksgiving is 30, and the Marine one was 48. :P

Ok well Im excited about keeping this up :D probably no more about training unless something cool or funny happens. <3