Jun 18, 2013

Lumosity: Neuroplasticity or practice-effect

So it has been about 2 months since I started Lumosity. Here are my results

I started at a Brain profile index (BPI) of about  550-600 sometimes I would rise to 700 sometimes I would drop to 600, this was quite frustrating!

Currently I have been consistently raising my BPI above 800. As of today my BPI is 931. Here is what a BPI is on Lumosity. It is an average of scores from five main categories: Attention, Speed, Memory, Problem Solving, and Flexibility. My current scores from each category include
Speed: 756
Attention: 1166
Memory: 1172
Flexibility: 1143
Problem Solving: 422

I actually think these scores are accurate regarding my brain's strengths and weaknesses. I feel I am very skilled at being flexible and attending to the task at hand no matter the distractions, however I feel my memory tested is primarily short term memory. These games are only 2 minutes long at most! There is one game that tests long term memory and facial recognition and I am still on the first level... I do agree that my weakness is problem solving. I have seen this during my past jobs, school work, and situations in general.

Even though i feel the BPI is reflective of my skills and weaknesses I feel the raising of scores and improved BPI is from a practice-effect and minimal neuroplasticitic occurrence. Oh btw neuroplasticity, in short, is the building of connections in your brain to improve an area such as memory, emotion regulation, flexibility, attention, etc. It is a wonderful science that is easily applied to Occupational Therapy especially in individuals who have has a stroke. So a practice-effect is when you improve your scores after one trial and continue to improve after subsequent trials. I believe there was some neuroplasticity that occurred in regard to learning what to except in each game, tricks to remember or play, but due to the short and relaxed manner I feel any change is minimum. Neuroplasticity requires intensive training! That is why patients at a rehab hospital receive 3 or more hours of therapy five days a week on top of being immersed in social settings for "hidden" practice of social skills.

Lumosity is great to assess strengths and weaknesses of your brain. It has shown me areas in which I need to improve on! I have been playing a problem solving game called Free Flow and will be looking for more problem solving opportunities

Lumosity is not a quick brain fix. due to its short duration, it could take MONTHS to see any sort of affect in  your life outside of Lumosity.