Mar 12, 2014

Judging, Loving, and Judging about Loving

Oky HERE in my last post (and specifically in number 3) about a book I am reading I made the case for a baker and showing love to others especially those in the Gay community. Here is a question were the actions of a Christian baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple right?

 It stemmed from a debate within a small group not of my own but where it was asked of my thoughts. I didn't give any (granted to opportunity to was short since they continued in giving their points haha). I was still processing mine. And, once processed, I gave mine on the last blog post. Well, God presented Himself and HIS thoughts in a wonderful quiet manner. By the random choosing of James 4.

James 4:11-12
"Brothers, do not slander one another. ANYONE who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping i, but sitting in judgement on it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you-- who are you to judge your neighbor?"

When James is addressing specifically Jewish Christians throughout, the family of believers; brothers and sisters in Christ. The "law" is the law that as a Christian we are to follow, the law God has set before us....Love.  If we are to judge a brother or sister in Christ for what they did especially if it is on the matter of loving others then we ourselves are not loving them! We have yet again become hypocritical, selfish, prideful, beings who think that we have the right to decide whether the baker's actions were right. (Me included btw...) its so natural to form our own opinions on what is Christian love suppose to look like and make sure that they know it. We can find MULTIPLE Scriptures, view points, and anecdotes on the matter but in essence God is the Judge of the Law. He is the maker of the Law, he has the right to judge. We however do not. We however let lose our tongues on our brothers and sisters, and judged horrifically, in the most unloving of ways. To our own family.  (this is not to say we are free to judge those not of our spiritual family! not at all!!)

So the answer to the baker refusing service to the couple who is gay? there is none, it is not our place to simply talk about and judge her actions for we are just as unloving as the judgments we made about her...

How are we to act in those situations I am not sure... I am sure the response of James 4:11 is sufficient enough to say I do not want to take part in the conversation and we need to assess our own actions. Are we loving her as well as loving the other side?

Thank you God for your quiet and perfect timing. Only when my mind was open, my heart was at ease do You speak and show me so much truth and areas of growth. God, please take my lesson from this morning and guide me in applying it to all my words, actions, and especially thoughts! Control my tongue, control my actions and give me the desire of the Spirit.  Thank you again God! In love, You show me how to Love!

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