Mar 10, 2014

Jesus > Religion chapter 3

The fakes, fundamentalists, and hypocrites of Christianity. This chapter explained all three, what they looked like, and people act or respond as such. While reflecting on my own college experience I saw them all. I saw the "weirdo" yelling at others, telling them they are going to hell for partying, drinking, playing sports even. I was friends with the hipsters that are the younger "reverse-fundamentalist" of our generation, and I saw the stereotypical fundamentalist that twisted verse after verse, Greek and Hebrew meaning that showed that the water in wine was not really wine and thus should not drink alcohol. Yet again rules are not how you get into Heaven and the party above, but the focus was on the self-righteous, know all the answers, who is more than happy to speak first about who God is. They have the hardest time having a personal relationship with God because they think they are already wtih God and earned a place with Him. I am that person. I am not the reverse-fundamentalist...infact I kinda picked at the Christian Hipsters, however I was and still am more focused on Christian individualism/freedom than Christian Unity.
     Jeff references the parable son and shows the true reason for Jesus sharing the story with the Pharisees! not the people, not for the son who left but for the older son who was mad and the invite the father offers to him. God is offering the same party for those who are lost and now saved to those who were with God but too focused on their works to see the love God has for them and join in the joyous celebration of others! That is Chrisitan Unity... Sinners and self-righteous, broken and legalist, enjoying each others company, being friends, having a great time.... Honestly, seems impossible, thankfully God is beyond the realms or worries of meeting social norms, rules, or social physics!

  1. Jeff the author would admit that he sometimes clings to religious rules or dead orthodoxy rather than living faith. What about you?
    1. I agree to that. I grew up with rules, communion, daily morning quiet times, etc. actually while reading through this the idea to have communion during our wedding came to me. However, other than the personal, individualistic quiet minute or two of reflecting on God is that really living faith? So I do the exact same thing, i cling to rules, patterns, and traditions because that is safe and I feel I am a good Christian girl.  
  2. Why do you think some rules--such as prohibitions against alcohol, swearing, and tattoos--are given more weight in religious circles than caring for the poor and downtrodden?
    1. Some how people see Christians as that, non-swearing substance-free, clean and straight-laced people. I mean the bible is a giant rule-book right? (sarcasm) however even those with prestigious religious degrees do the same...why? because they believe our actions speak louder than words...which is true but i think showing love and grave to EVERYONE speaks louder than going AGAINST cultural norms (if they are even cultural norms). In a song i hear on the radio it says "they only know what we are against not what we are fighting for when we judge the wounded." People are more vocal about what is WRONG with someone than what they hope for. 
  3. Has the general Christian response to the gay community shown mercy, justice, and faithfulness?
    1. very very rarely. only in a few instances have I seen love-filled signs for people being beaten. I personally have battled with my feelings towards the gay community. They are people. A recent debate was brought to my attention by those in my church family. A local baker refused to make and decorate a wedding cake for a gay couple. The fight: was she right to do that or was she wrong and hateful. Here are my thoughts... What if the baker refused the same cake to a murderer, a child molester, someone with HIV, a Jew, a Muslim, a Christian, a "Test-tube" child, an alcoholic, a sailor (idk she doesn't believe in fishing in the water), an oil driller (she doesn't like drilling for oil), there is the problem, she is refusing a cake and a decoration to a title placed on the person and not decorating the cake for the person or in this case couple. Yes any business has the right to refuse services however services refused shows the intend, moral definitions, and love to their customers. What would be an example of living the faith? Refusing service because of your values and believes (very strong and shows integrity even if backlash will be given) or welcoming in the couple and getting to know them as people, make a relationship, and designing a cake as desired (could also be shown as weak and wavering in your faith in some communities to accept and cater to their wants). I honestly believe the second is living of the faith. Isn't Christian Unity allowing others to see your joy even if they are not Christian yet? idk an idea...
  4. The author states "Heaven isnt a place for people scared of hell; its for people who love Jesus." What is your understanding of Heaven?
  5. A huge fun wonderful party where I will be able to talk to EVERYONE and hear their stories, hear about God's grace over and over again. I get to meet so many people freely! maybe that is childish but it excites me! That's what I like about parties is meeting people! (My poor future husband will not be able to keep track of me in Heaven haha)

    1. If the kind of people you attract and repel reveals the authenticity of your faith, how are you doing?
      1. this is tough because people who have no faith in Jesus can attract and repel people just as easily as any Christian. I feel I attract everyone and anyone, mostly because I open myself up to them. I always have, I was the girl in school, college, and in church who would only be able to hang out and talk for a few minutes because there are other groups of people I want to say hello and talk to. I would bounce from group to group to group.... (that is something I have to manage because then I sacrifice quality for quantity....i just want to be friends with everyone...)
    2. In the parable of the two sons, the father wants both to enjoy the party. Are you more likely to resist or take part? 
      1. i would probably resist. My jealousy and pride for those accepted and loved even after what they did would be hard to swallow and over come. Then I would selfishly wallow in self-pity and grow my little green monster. Truthfully, it would be very hard at first to join.
    There is much work I can do BE a better Christian, or I should focus my efforts on being with God and actually conversing with Him. Some days I'm tired of trying, thankfully, its not much work to sit in silence and listen for God.

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