May 26, 2012


"Bring it on" by Steven Curtis Chapman...

WOW I just realized one very key point to this song. First when trouble comes our way there are MULTIPLE ways to handle it. You can give up and try to find the easy way out, try to ignore it, try to fix it, try to face it head on, or lean on others for help. Some Christians are taught that when something goes wrong you are strong because you have Jesus on your side. In fact, that is what I've grown up thinking. You can face anything if you have Jesus... I have also grown up listening to the song "Bring it On," its a powerful, encouraging song that seems to instill feelings of "Yeah I can do This! Bring it! Bring your worst!" Im like that. "Bring on the Challenge, the pain, the dirt and the grime! I can make it through this! Im a tough girl so GGGRRRrrrrr! I've got Jesus!"  But if you listen to the song, the person "bringing it on" is God/Jesus. whoops! probably not something you want to say to God's face...
Me: BRING IT ON WORLD! I can take it!
God:... uh no you cant...
Me: Yea I can! I got this! Im tough, God. Nothin can shake me! I've got Jesus so I've got this!
God: (God whips out epic sunglasses) Fool I'm trying to get your attention! You cant handle nothin with without me!

Oky so bad to seriousness...
God is making him weak so that he will lean on Him. God is bringing the rain, the storm, the high waves to make the singer turn to God and make their relationship stronger. So yea bring it on God so that I may turn to you with my hands wide open in humbleness saying God I need YOU to calm this storm. Bring it on so that I may run to you! In my personal life I am making choices that can make or literally break a person. (see next post) In order to proceed with confidence in my field I have to lean on God for guidance everyday in how I handle various levels of relationships, staying calm and flexible through mental storms, and to plan activities with unknown outcomes with new patients. It's easy to get into the mindset of "Bring it on! I have Jesus so I can handle what is thrown at me." But who's really trying to control the situation?

This time last year I started the blog Summer Proverbs as a way to turn to God in a time of loneliness, hurt, and confusion. It was probably my first actually taking steps towards God in a storm from the very beginning. Although I did not finish the book, nor kept up with my blog, I saw how turning to God opened my eyes to truth, where I was lacking in my relationship with Him and it prepared me for a year of learning to pray! :) WHAT AN AMAZING YEAR OVERALL!!

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