Oct 2, 2011

Long time no ranting :D

Welcome to another school year!!! :) ALOT happened over the summer. the relationship I had over the past year and three months was ended. I have grown closer to God but before that I was willingly being pushed further away. I am leading a small group again this year and I'm loving it!!

Im hoping to become a regular blogger again this year but school is crazy. This is known as the year of unknowns...
  1. Where will i be doing my Recreational Therapy internship?
  2. Where should I apply for grad schools?
  3. Where will I be going next year?
  4. What if it is not ECU? What if its not even in my home state?
Although there are many unknowns in the my future im not worried. Im excited!!! Its an adventure worth having because I have many ideas on how God wants me to use my degree in Occupational Therapy (OT). I can not wait to see how I  will be used. 

One of the ideas I have is to be a full time missionary! I have always thought of being one. I love the concept of leaving this busy, material life and being fully submersed into helping others with God and the Good News on your heart, mind, and  mouth. Think about how that can change you! Consider the best way to learn a new language. Its not to take class for 1 hour 3 days a week. its by using and practicing what you leaned and learning from other native speakers that you retain truly learn the language and culture. Of course that is not to say I can not do that here. That is my goal till the summer is to be better at witnessing and simply talking about God to others. Im thinking on how easy it could actually be to simply mention Him. Someone on a skateboard rides by and says "hi how are you" "Im fine, how are you?" "Doing good." Then you mention something about his skateboard. Start a friendly conversation, mention something God has taught you... Oky now idk... Granted, im trying to make evangelizing like a mathematical formula. People are not math equations  and predictable. Do you put yourself in a box? Why should we put the entire human species in one... Well Either way I should not look at talking about God as a challenge. I have such a passion about God's love for me and for all of! Its so unreal, unexplainable and yet something blocks us from experiencing a kind of love your soul mate couldn't provide for you. That something is sin. Because God is perfect, we can easily understand why We are separated from Him (Think of how we try so hard to keep spaghetti sauce off of our nice white shirts). God, because He is so perfect, has the right to punish us for our sin but He also loves us so much that we provided us with a way out. God sent His perfect son Jesus to come and live with us dirty spaghetti sauce covered humans. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life while hanging out with thieves, murders, poor, sick, outcasts and "the rich and famous." But how does Jesus help us stained t-shirts into being with God and not receiving the punishment we deserve?  Jesus was perfect, pure and could be with God. Jesus like God, loved us soooo much! He loved strangers more than himself. He knew the punishment that was in store for everyone, so he gave himself up to take that punishment for us. Jesus took God's wrath and the justice from us so that we too could be with God. We are able to have a real relationship with God and avoid His powerful anger and wrath. But Jesus did not stop there. Jesus rose from the dead and came back to life to prove that God is greater than sin and death. By believing in that Jesus took my sin from me so that I can be with God, I feel God's love, and I have his Holy Spirit to guide me. I want to live for Jesus and God because I know that this story is real. I know that God loves me more than I will know and I know that there are people out there who are missing out on such a caring, fatherly relationship that results in hope and joy! I want to be a full time missionary but maybe God is really showing me how to be a full time missionary here and now.... and how to truly put it into practice... 

Wow...this was unplanned (though I rarely have my blogs planned to begin with...)

Umm well another idea is to start disability ministries in a church near where ever God places me to work. I want to start one here in G-ville BUT school and the means of becoming an OT is hindering me from starting such a ministry. Mom keeps telling me that many doors will open for me when I get my OT degree and to be patient in serving God. She is right. As much as I would love to serve Him right now, I know that I would be even more helpful to others when I have my OT degree.

I will keep you better posted but it is past my bedtime (im not known as a night-owl)

Good Night!!


  1. Thank you for your kind words on my blog. Some of those people were part of the reason I became agnostic. I felt like I was being attacked for what I believed and what I (rightly) read in the bible. Keep up the good work, I'm sure God has big plans for you :)

  2. “ I want to be a full time missionary but maybe God is really showing me how to be a full time missionary here and now.... and how to truly put it into practice... “

    Looking back now a year forward, I think this is even more applicable today, especially given your most recent post. How far you have come in reaching this goal.
