May 20, 2011

Crows fly around the chair with curious antipathy

So that is as far as I got with a poem haha! I  tried to take a picture of a crow sitting on my porch rail but I was too slow. They are really interesting. I watched a show a LONG time ago on how a crow escaped a cage by pressing the right combination into a key pad (on the other side of the cage door) to unlock the door!! I guess they are the bird equivalent to the octopus?

Anyways I have a new blog now called Summer Proverbs! Check it out. Im going through a journal based on Proverbs with really relevant quotes and topics.

John 16:17-33

V31 "'You believe at last,' Jesus answered..." Yay finally, and not a moment to soon. The disciples believe! Jesus is hosting the last supper. While Jesus is explaining how he is part of God the disciples are completely dumbfounded. Since chapter 13 Jesus has been saying almost the same thing over and over again and it took them till just now for it to finally click!. I see no change in the way Jesus is presenting this fact that he really is the son of God. This brought up some questions:

  1. Did God fully open their hearts just now?
  2. If they didnt fully believe in Jesus why then did they follow him and give up their personal lives (careers, family, friends)?
My only conclusion to this question was found in looking back at my self and new believers. Most new Christians dont know EVERYTHING about God and Jesus and the bible...IDK if I know any Christians at al who know EVERYTHING. Yet they come to God anyways. Maybe God placed a desire on the disciples hearts to follow Jesus before they fully understood why. They had ideas, but apparently they did not fully understand. I guess this shows that God reveals Himself in His timing. That makes me wonder then... Does God still has something to reveal to me then? If so what?

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