Oct 5, 2010

Not too sure what day this is :D

Well I just heard from my professor that some of his girls didnt get to sign up for the 10K run and are a lil mad. Im guessing that included Sally because she has not been wanting to run in a few days.... Last week was rain rain rain so it was hard to run. Im behind in my schedule but I'll be able to catch up...hopefully

Today I found out that an elliptical at my apartment's gym has a 10K setting!! Im hoping tonight I can see how long it takes me to do a 10K on the elliptical :D

I am either a passive person or at times passive-aggressive. I think im mostly passive-agressive especially with my roomate. When she annoys me I end up ranting about it to someone...mostly my boyfriend. Not good. It doesnt affect how you feel. I am annoyed at roomate so to "fix" the problem I rant to a friend about such roomate and that just brings up the annoyed feelings all over again. Sometimes stronger than before because I remember other times such roomie has annoyed me! Im going to start to being assertive. not Aggressive... not good...
I need to face the problems head on and in a nice yet not apolegetic manner. By being assertive I gain confidence plus with practice I'll be able to state what I believe and what I stand for better than before. Ok im tired and I have a busy day tomorrow...I'll most likley discuss this issue someother post. :D

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