Oct 28, 2010

Lets go backwards! 3 days left

So I have 3 days including today till running. Saturday I will be at the Rallies they are doing at DC. Im not too sure what the rallies are about because i dont watch the Steven Cobert report and John Stewart's Late Night Show. Anyways today I was able to run 2+ miles. I was helped near the end of my run when i started to run and talk with an old friend. He loves to run and was considering doing the patriot run Nov. 20th at ECU. I asked him if he would like to train with me and he sounded quite interested. Well anyways since tomorrow is my last possible day to train I am going to attempt to puch myself to the limit...idk what my limit is. I normally quit before i get anywhere close to it im sure. "I keep hearing its all in your head," "your head quits before your body" so im trying to work on distracting my mind (which is why talking to ppl helps). I've been training without an ipod this entire time! Well I will let you know how I succeeded.

One thing that has comeup is people's reactions. Everyone is amazed i am running a 10K and when I tell them that I highly doubt I make it past the half way mark they all say "You can do it Danielle! You'll be great!" which is awesome to hear but at the same time I know where they are coming from. Whenever a friend is attempting to do something (i guess "remarkable, rare, requiring skill or energy,") and they are trying to be reasonable, all we want to do is ignore the reasonable statment and encourage them! We want to boost their self-esteem. Yet looking back at my past mentions of what i am doing I realize I just want to wallow in self-pity for a little while. I am not actually looking for a boost in esteem. If I was looking to up my pride I would mention how well training has been going. I know I want to wallow in pity because while I am training thoughts of how little I can actually go haunt my mind. i try to focus on who would be proud of me when i cross the finish line. Dr. K from Duke would be interested and amazed, my boyfriend would be proud, my parents would be so happy, yet its not alot of motivation anymore. oh well. Im hoping the atmosphere of energy and excitement will keep me going on Sunday. And who knows maybe I can run alongside someone and talk with them or have them talk with me

Well I think this will be my last blogg on training :P I have another blog I am interested in starting about spirtiual gifts. most of it corisponse to 1 Cor. 12-15 (in that general area). By studying this section I feel a little better when faced with the questions and stories of spiritual gifts, something I have been VERY sekptical of.

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