Aug 15, 2010

Joni and Friends and Sacrifice

Well Joni and Friends was amazing! The theme was vacation on a crusie ship so everything was decorated accordingly. This is really going to turn into a topic that i thought about for an hour on the way home....
Constantly people kept talking about how much of a sacrifice us STM’s were giving to serve at Joni and Friends. To me sacrifice is doing something you demise doing but it is as an act of worship to God. Something you really don’t want to do but you desperately want to do God’s will so you do it. Sacrifices were used as away to cleanse people of sins right? People killed the choice/prized animal from their flock and it was usually a lamb (or a dove?) to kill. This took time and the chance of selling something for big bucks! I never felt like I was sacrificing anything except maybe money but my parents can help me with that. I am paying for the trip all on my own but if I ever need help with finances they will chip in for my needs. I never wanted to go to Joni and Friends. I love it! I am so willing to work and do whatever is asked of me (yes even change a 10 year old’s pull-ups). But, while writing this, I think I realize the real sacrifice is once I return home (or I should say being at home). Once at home it seems my patient, grace, willingness to serve, is gone. I become easily frustrated again. I snap at my parents over little things just like before I left for Joni and Friends. My sacrifice is changing for God. To be Christ-like in my house…which feels pointless now. I am leaving for school in 4 days but I will start now and truly focus on my words, attitude, and actions. It might be too late to start but its better late than never right?

Ways I shall act more Christ-like in my house:
1. Help mom around the house.
2. Think before I snap or accuse.
3. Share how much they mean to me.

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