Feb 2, 2013

Oceans, God, and Fear?

I have started attending a small group with young single ladies from my new church family. So started attending means I went yesterday, for the first time. :) We are going through a Francis Chan study book called Fear (or maybe Basic Fear... our leader never did say the name.) I'll start off by saying I love Francis Chan! Read Crazy Love! So hearing that we will be going through another one of his books I was sold and I am so motivated to dive into the lessons. Not only the lessons but the socialization I will be doing with gals my age!

The lesson started with this verse:
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." Proverbs 1:7
Quickly followed by:
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10
I have read through proverbs before, I have heard this verse and others many times. Fear is the start, the beginning, the initial step to knowing, understanding and learning about God. If God had the idea of using the Hebrew phrase word for "fear of the Lord" in Proverbs 27 times, I think God is trying to tell us something. Lets break this down because I highly doubt this means fire-and brimstone. Even Francis Chan said so! haha (and everything Francis Chan says MUST be true...sarcasm)
Think on the word fear.

  • An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. (thanks to Google)
  • to have a reverential awe of (Merriam-Webster online)
What/How would you describe fear? I would say that fear is closely related to the first, like a phobia (though irrational), this emotion controls your actions. Fear would prevent you from sticking your hand in a bear's mouth. Fear would (at least for me) instill caution while swimming in high waves at the beaches of NC. I don't want the consequences that could come if I wasn't careful. The fear of drowning is a constantly in my mind while swimming far out in the ocean and has caused mini panic attacks.

But yet I understand Merriam-Webster's version as well. "A reverential awe" a since of ultimate respect. I feel I have that for the ocean. The ocean is beautiful, awe-inspiring, powerful, dangerous. And woa! That is God! is it not?! Is God not awe-inspiring, powerful, beautiful, and yes, even dangerous?!  God created the earth, He created the oceans the mountains, He created us. He has created floods, earthquakes, turned people into salt, sent lions to eat those who did not obey. He has allowed and through His son and followers miracles to be performed in many different ways, Even the devil believes and knows Him. (James 2:19) "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder"

So now the question is: How should we fear God? there are so many different levels of fear. Phobias which lead to avoidance, respectful fear of police, anxiety of the future, etc. 
The analogy of the the ocean seems to be my perception of how I want to fear God. My fear of the ocean does not cause avoidance of enjoying the water, the waves, finding sand-dollars and the occasional jelly fish. I feel my fear of the ocean (and what I want with God) is one where I enjoy and dabble in it's presence, where I know and understand the power and the danger and the risk in enjoying it, and where I put my knowledge to use and NOT swim when the lifeguard says strong rip-currents or infestation of jellyfishes! I feel God is the same. God is powerful, ALL powerful. God is beautiful and awe-inspiring. Yet there is danger and unknowns when being with God. Let God take control of your life and all your plans are gone, Safety, gone. Security and comfort, gone. 

More on fearing God might come later. But think about this...Would you say you fear God?

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