Feb 19, 2013

"Different is not bad, just different"

Simmer on the title for a second.

How much do you believe that statement is true?

To me, very! When working with a population with a variety of special needs, different is the norm! Some actions, like how someone talks or walks, is acceptable. Some actions like using a device to eat, having to be taken to the bathroom by someone else, is acceptable and almost needed. Different in this sense is not bad and many ppl accept those differences. Some ppl do not. Maybe you someone who finds it hard to  love and be patient around a certain group of people.

If you like or believe in this quote, do you truly practice it?

A christian marriage counselor I heard from the radio said, "I sat through all of daughters piano lessons, I learned theories, key signatures  notes, how to sit, what pedal does what, how to play with one hand, ways to play with two, yet knowing this does not make me a pianist. I am not a pianist until I have physically put into practice what I learned, until I have mastered and learned from what was taught to me and applied it."
So you like the quote, you know how true it may be, but do you practice it?

I wish I practiced it more. Everyone is different and everyone is an individual so everyone has their own ways of communicating, learning, and interacting. While someone learns by reading the names of the brain out three times, someone else may have to watch videos on the brain over and over again, and someone just has to see the structure, write out the name and ta-da! they know where the amygdala is! (I know random but we just took a neuro. quiz in class so brain anatomy is on my mind haha) In, a "normal" setting, it is easy to spot and point out differences in people. It is easy to look at them and think that is so weird or maybe even "gee-whiz, they shouldn't do that in public!" Maybe its something as harmless as an outfit! Why are people (even me) so quick to look down upon someone, to think a negative thought.

Different is not bad, just different. What's bad can be your reaction, your thoughts.

Be aware of your thoughts and actions through out the day. What "different" actions set you off? How did you react? How should have you reacted?

That poor egg above only wants to fit in and be made into an omelet too!

"Finally brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are lovely, and whatever things are of good report and if there is anything of virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on those things!" Philippians 4:8  

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