Dec 23, 2011

You know you found someone special when....

You're normally a morning bird but this person seems to keep you awake when you talk at night. You feel like you can just talk all night long and never miss a wink of sleep. They keep you on this high of warmth and openness. Honesty is always there and lies are hard to find. Stories revealed yet the view of this person never changes and the person doesn't change their view about you. No question is off limits and you find things in common that lead to understanding. Similarities that up you up further, that make you search deeper within yourself as well as the other. When the conversation has to end and good nights have to be said, you long to share your giddiness to the world but alas everyone is in their very own dream world. Imaginations flying in their heads. You, your excitement that you want to share with this sleeping world, is that your very own dream is now and finally reality.

1 comment:

  1. This is very beautiful. I know you say you don't speak very well ( I think you do), but you write very well :) Trust me, I found someone pretty special too.
