Dec 23, 2011

A book!

So being a small group leader I am asked to join in a weekly discipleship with the leader of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IV).  Last semester I did terrible and showed up only 1/2 (maybe 3/4ths) of the time. While there I wasnt open of truly feeling like I was learning about God. I was very thankful for my spiritual mentor because she has pushed me toward God and has helped me grow closer to Him then any other person I have come across! I have felt moved by prayer and the power that really is behind such a God given opportunity! Thank you God!

OKY now to the title. At the end of this past fall semester the leader of IV suggested we start a book in the Spring semester to help us grow. The book is called The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith. I have yet to open it and read it. I shall summaries the back cover for you by pulling out key sentences that will play into what i will talk about next.
"We all have ideas we tell ourselves about God and how he works in our lives. Some are true--but many are false. In the pages of this book you are invited to put your ideas to the test to see if they match up with what Jesus himself reveals about God. Once you've discovered the truth in Scripture, you can engage in a process of spiritual formation that includes specific activities..."

What ideas do I hold about God?  God desires that we come to Him like a father wants a relationship with his children. God is very merciful and grace shouldn't be taken lightly because of how real and how amazing it truly is. God has a sense of humor (have you really looked at your self in the mirror or looked at any type of animal, weird!). God doesn't make you happy, He gives us peace and joy but not an emotion. God will provide.
What am I expecting from this book? I am curious about this spiritual formation! This is my last year in school and I want to grow even closer to God. I want to have something constant as I leave my friends and where I have lived for 3 years and God never changes. I am expecting to grow and develop new habits that lead to more of a personal relationship with God.

Well I hope to keep you updated... we shall see :)

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