Apr 17, 2013

Lumosity Challenge... ACCEPTED

Hello my fellow readers!

I have taken on a challenge! Lets see if I can stick with it! For the past while (months probably) I have complained or mentioned to myself how wonderful my recall is on words and placement of objects. So I decided to finally see what I can do about that. Thanks to lovely Google, searching for "improving memory resulted in help.com, discover. com and then Lumosity.

I decided to create a profile with Lumosity just to see. They remarked that within 3 months of training 3-5 days a week. My memory and recall will improve 85%...granted there was no baseline assessments, not individualized questionaire, just a simple priority check-list you create in the beginning.

Despite these negatives, and others not mentioned, I am willing to try it. It is only 3-5 days a week and the semester is winding down enough for me to add it to my schedule. A training session only lasted 15 mins at most. Granted two of the training sessions were locked. In order to unlock them I believe you have to pay. I want to keep this free. I am after all a graduate student...

The three games were fun and quick. I can do this 3-5 times a week easily. Updates on if I change will come! Yay for improvement one little step at a time.


  1. ummmm good question... I think there is a follow button under the "About Me" section at the bottom... I need to work on organizing my page haha
