Jul 14, 2012

Bored Boards!

Read previous post to better understand why this activity or creation can SAVE YOUR LIFE!! or just help with uncomfortable emotions and irrational actions later on.

You can do this in multiple ways here is my creative protocol on how to make a Bored Board. (my idea is not a board...)

Purpose: To decrease boredom and impulsive actions

  • 20+ Popsicle sticks/tongue depressors
  • a tin can 
  • ways to decorate tin can! :) construction paper, fabric, jewels, stickers, markers, paint, hot glue gun, ect.
  • sharpie
  1. Make a list of 10 activities you can do and like to do. Think about the past week, what have you done recently? Think of types of activities: social, mental, physical, spiritual, emotional. They have to be accessible!!
  2. After you came up with your ten look at the list provided there are SO MANY activities missing too. What activities can you do from that list, even if you are not in LOVE with that activity? try to come up with 10 more accessible activities.
  3. Now with your list of 20 activities (more is great too!), write each activity on a Popsicle stick. So 20 Popsicle sticks with ideas and activities! 
  4. now you finished writing out the activities that will take away boredom at any given moment. the 20 is so that you are free to chose! you don't have to draw one and do it, take time to pick :)
  5. DECORATE YOUR TIN CAN or whatever is going to hold the Popsicle sticks. I think this is entertaining. You can make a simple cardboard sheet of paper with 20 activities scattered around so you can simply hang it up on the wall. If you have Pinterest, look up creative bored boards!!
This is great to make with kids. Then you have something to direct them too when they are bored! 


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