Mar 29, 2012

Praising in the storm.... or not

So Im going to be writing this multiple times... hopefully my points are somewhat connected. (I accidently wrote this in my summer of proverbs.... so it has been moved...a week and a day later...)

Passage I will be referring to is Matthew 14:22-33, Jesus Walks on Water. Oky so as small group leader we take a passage like this and come up with questions. For me personally, I have heard this passage at least 3 times for every year of my life, currently I'm 21 soooo mathematically speaking I have heard/read this passage 63 times. Probably an exaggeration... ;)  Strangely enough, I never realized all of the meanings tucked into this simple passage until small group planning with my amazing co-leader.

When do we typically praise God? read the passage and seriously reflect on whether we follow the pattern of the disciples or not. I know I typically do! It has taken an act of God one time for me to praise God. I believe I might have talked about this in a previous post around this time last year... I am very much like the disciples. I am so willing to praise and worship God when things go my way, or as I planned them, or when events work in my favor!  It is so easy! When there is a storm (a fight with a friend, medical problems, pain, mourning, ect.) do we really want to look up at God and reflect on His goodness, His perfect mysterious plan? For me it is hard to focus on the true characteristics of God. I want to figure out how to fix the problem or the typical question "Why God?" "What is it that you want?"

Look at what happened to the disciples. First, they praised Jesus and proclaimed him "Son of God" after Peter was safe in the boat AND after the storm was over. Second, Jesus and God did not want anything from them, just faith. God didn't change their direction in the boat, Jesus didn't give them a new direction in life or drastically change ideas. Jesus just wanted faith and for them not to worry.

Another point/idea noticed: V.26 " When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, 'It's a ghost!'" In their fear they assumed the worst, in their fear they were not looking for hope. Is that common in our life? Well I guess in a way yes. When waiting for a response, I sometimes expect the storm to worsen, I have to make a plan in case it does, I have to prepare for the worst. What if questions fly into my head, but what if i never ask those questions and truly live day-by-day for God?

There are so many other points to be made about this passage here are the questions my sg leader and I came up with.

  • Why would Jesus approach the disciples by walking on water?
  • What causes Peter to start to sink?
    • What are somethings that are distracting you from your relationship with God?
  • Jesus proclaims that He is the reason to not be fearful about the storm.
    • What percentage of the disciples truly stopped fearing during the storm?
    • When do you truly believe Jesus is in our toughest situations?
    • When is it easy for us to trust God?
  • V.27-30
    • Why did Peter make such a statement and then reacted/action?
    • Why did Peter want to join Jesus?
    • Has there ever been a time you tested Jesus and took a step outside of you comfort zone? (or in this case comfort boat?)

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