Sep 29, 2013


What does it mean when we hear from the church and the bible that we are made in the likeness/image of God?  How do you imagine or how would you draw God?

Growing up in a fairly literal church, I was taught that we are made and look like God... I never truly believed that. Human beings are weird looking! We just are! Next time you are shopping, at a friends house, large gathering, look at the people around you. Seriously look at people and try to imagine what someone from an outside planet or even our fellow little animal friends would think about us. First we are the straightest standing animal, besides a snake getting ready to strike, we have round ears for hearing yet they have weird crevasses, and ledges within and then because one hole for listening isn't enough we add holes to them. Our height varies tremendously from 4 foot to 6 foot 9 inches in any given public space. We have really weird really look at a person's butt...just to look, its weird! just like out elbows they are weird too! And our hair! Why does our hair grow only on top or our head and then in places that increase the smell of BO if not taken care of or so thin on our legs and arms there is no way it is for warmth. I think this is also a look into why I don't really believe in Macro Evolution fully, we are kind of backwards and yet we survive and surpass all other living animals...because we are weird! Then our voices, our laughs, so different!

Yet supposedly we are made in God's image. Today reaffirmed my believe that we are not physically made in God's image. Yes god created us, Yes God Imagined us but are physical bodies are as my pastor put it Earth Suits! 

God's image is our spiritual selves!

Who God is, is evident in our spirit and what makes us human, not solely a scientifically defined homo sapiens. 
  1. God is creative! We are each very VERY uniquely designed and not only that but we are creative too! If you do'nt believe me then you must not have a Pinterest...look at your house or apartment, look at any form of artwork. The idea came from somewhere and something was eventually created! How amazing is that?! That is only a part of who God is!
  2. God has control and has given us control of the Earth! As stated in Genesis 1:28-30, he has made all things and has given us all things so that we may "Rule over" His creation for food and to "be fruitful and increase in number." However, as humans, we do not always govern over the Earth as desired by God. (Another post could be about the example God and Jesus led of ruling over the Earth)
  3. God loves Communion. Warning church word! By this the Pastor was saying that God desires us to be with Him, to have that relationship with Him and not only Him but others! God's desire throughout the bible old and new Testament, is that we as humans, believing in Him, create oneness, create relationships with people that are deep, personal, a communion like gathering where sharing of thoughts, concerns, problems, and ideas can be welcomed. A true family with all believers and openness to those who do not believe! Not only are we like God in our desire for physical relationships but reflect on the fact that "we have been created to live temporarily and on this finite Earth to be able to talk with an everlasting God!" (Pastor T.) 
Thus I do not believe God to be a human or to look like a combination of all humans put together. I believe God to look like something beyond our imagination and I can not wait to see Him in heaven. I am thankful for the descriptions of God provided in Exodus and in Revelation about the glimpses of the Glory of God! 
The second question above "How do you image or how would you draw God?" is where I may be considered a hypocrite. When I sit back and imagine God during my quiet times I picture the sun, warmth, the feeling of hugs. When i want to draw God, I try to go for a person. A Father-figure, not this ball of light or a spiritual nature. I love my boyfriend's interpretation of God and it fits closely with the what the bible states as the glory of God (I can not find the specific verse atm... sorry). He pictures God and fire-y show of all the colors emitting from a signal source. 

Questions given to me and now passed on to you.

How would you draw God?
How much value do you place on yourself? On others?
How can you better affirm the value of other people?

"The greatest error a person can make is to not know the truth about God. The second greatest error a person can make is to not know the truth about himself."

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dani. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am also glad to stop by your blog "Another Season" and post on it "weirdos". I am also glad to know from your profile that you have given your life to the Lord Jesus Christ and it is no longer Dani but Christ lives within you. Amen. I like your thoughts on the image of God . Well I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 33 yrs in the great city of Mumbai. India a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encourage young people like you as well as adults to come to Mumbai on a short term missions trip to work with us. We would love to have you come as you want to live life for Him. I am sure you will have a life changing experience. My email id is :dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Would love to hear from you very soon.
