Im not normal!!
Guess what!
Im glad!
Im weird and this post is about two reasons in particular...
1) I can not multi-task with the TV on...
you know how some people can watch TV while completing homework, talking with ppl, ect.? That might even describe you! I seriously, when the TV is on my mind turns off and I stare into the rectangle of images whether or not the sound is on. No matter what you tell me or what happens I will most likely miss it... A bomb could go off and I will ask what that noise was mmmm about 5-10 mins after the fact... if I'm still alive and the TV is on of course. Idk why! I've tried hard to fix it and if im really really determined to complete something with the TV on I can but its mentally exhausting if longer than an hour and if my mind wanders for just a second then ZOOP straight to the TV and its a challenge to get it back on track. You can make fun of me...everybody else does. (no go ahead and laugh its one of my quirks I kinda enjoy living with)
2) I am a morning bird!
Seriously, I, a 21 yr old college student, enjoys waking up at 6:30-7am everyday and going to be around 10pm. I would rather get up at 4am to complete school work than stay up till 3am and sleep till 12. I feel so gross and weird when I sleep in and my body does not allow that too often. Plus if I wake up at 11 I feel the day is almost over!!! I love starting the day productive cause I tend to continue this motion of productivity. I guess its like the idea that if you eat a healthy breakfast you will tend to eat healthier during the day. But yes Im a morning bird, I wake up quickly, I get going quickly and then when 7pm rolls around I am allowed to slow down, granted that's when everyone else is running full steam! Somehow ppl can work on school work for hours after dinner! I've tried to become more of a college student by forcing myself to spend longer nights with friends in their dorms...then this semester I decided to stop fighting and start working with my body! From a book that i've finished reading (Good and Beautiful God) it suggested in the very begining that you set up a sleep schedule or pick one day a week to sleep in... I went for the former and after a 16 weeks of going to bed at 10 during the week days I have decided that I LOVE IT!!! I dont care that everyone else is up, I want my sleep! granted on the weekends, all is off! I may get tired quicker than everyone but at least I stay up longer! haha! I hope to FOREVER be a morning bird!! I love it, I feel great, and when I get up earlier and I have longer, rest-free quiet times with God and that's just what we both enjoy!
So in short, if you want to put me in a box... I am a silly, easily distracted morning bird! (squirrel?)
Great maybe I am a squirrel.... How would you define squirrels? crazy? sporadic? silly? hyper? nuts like what they eat? hey at least they are fluffy and cute! right? Maybe I am a squirrel! idk how I feel about that...