Jun 22, 2010

Summer Season

Just to let you know the title of my blog is from the Jenny and Tyler CD "Prelude" the song Another Season. The song is actually about a girl or someone facing cancer and the battles there. At the moment the only battle im going through is trying to keep a consistant quiet time with God...
I might have mentioned that my friend Becca and I are going to be co-leading a small group together. Its not a bible study but a group of ppl getting to know each other and to understand the bible. I want this to be a true, God-blessed, transforming community for everyone including me. I cant wait for it to start. Becca and I are looking into Ephesians... We shall see.

Oh btw work is teaching me a few things about how to present myself to ppl who are a)standoff-ish b) annoyed at something or you c)might be easily angered...
Just sweet talk. When proverbs said not to respond to anger with anger, its making a good point. By always talking in a sweet patient voice you are able to keep the tempers of others down as well. When faced with an angry customer just relax and calmly run the situation over with them. That will eliminate some confusion hopefully. be patient kind, cheerful, and as helpful as possible no matter how annoyed you are or "stupid" the person seems. No-one is stupid just confused, like me when trying to buy a parking pass for school. Its really easy! if your the person who works for the student parking center and if you created the website. But for someone who wants to just quickly buy the pass and check it off her to-do list, it can become easily confusing with numbers, deals, places to park, ect. Then you cant even figure out where the buy parking pass button even is or whether or not you even want to drive again!

So i have to make this short cause i highly doubt you want to read somthing long.Fit this in with whatever is bugging you. Maybe this will help...maybe not...this is from my wise amazing friend Beula:
"giving in means not worrying about it at all. just knowing that God knows all of what's going on and that He's gonna take care of it. we need to stop trying in the first place."

We try to understand, we try to fix things, we try to plan for the future... God knows what has happened, whats going on, and what will come. We can never fully understand the whole situation to anything. We do not know everyones indivual thoughts and thoughts behind actions.

Ok that is all for now... Maybe my blogs will become interesting...maybe not... we shall see <3

(What are your thoughts on Eph. 1? what are your thoughts on predestination?)