Yet another season of my life has begun. From NC to NY to OH, God is taking me on a journey and I'm sharing the ride. Ups and downs of school, relationships, What God is teaching me, and awesome adventures in general!
Dec 20, 2010
A personal Covenant
I recognize and accept the following conditions which will further the usefulness and safety
of the International Mission Outreach. As an accepted member of this Joni and Friends
Wheels for the World International Mission Outreach team, I make the following agreement:
1. I acknowledge that by engaging in the outreach, I am voluntarily subjecting
myself to potential risk, which may include (but is not limited to) such things as
health hazards due to poor food and water, disease, pests, and poor sanitation.
I understand there may be potential danger from political upheaval and lack of
control over local population, potential danger of personal injury while working,
and inadequate medical facilities. Therefore, I release and discharge Joni and
Friends, and any and all organizations and individuals which helped to make all
arrangements (including travel agencies, insurance companies and their agents,
employees, officers, and volunteers) from all claims, demands, actions,
judgments, or executions I have ever had, now have, or which my heirs,
executions have ever had, now have, or may have claim to have, against said
organizations, their agents, employees, officers, and volunteers and their
successors or assigns, for all personal injuries (known or unknown) and injuries
to property (real or personal) caused by, or arising out of the outreach. I intend to
be legally bound by this statement.
2. I will adopt the attitude I am on the outreach in part to understand and serve the
host culture and not to convince them of my own viewpoint or style. I go knowing
there are many different ways to accomplish the same objective, and I recognize
my way is not necessarily the only way.
3. I will abstain from making derogatory comments or arguments with regard to
people, politics, sports, religion, race, or traditions. I will refrain from meddling,
complaining, criticizing, using obscene or insensitive humor, or gossiping,
realizing others on the outreach will look to me as a living example of Christ.
I also agree not to treat that responsibility lightly. I understand travel, especially
to remote locations, can be difficult, and I promise to adopt a flexible attitude and
be supportive as plans may be changed. I will stay with the team and not roam
while in-country.
4. I will go as a servant-disciple of Jesus Christ and adopt that attitude when
dealing with fellow team members and all others remembering I am a Christian
from another part of the world and my actions, behaviors, and attitudes will be
watched closely. I will not take lightly my responsibility to be a good example.
5. I will submit to the leadership of the country liaison as well as the team leader
and promise to abide by his/her decisions as they concern the outreach.
6. I understand the team=s work is part of a bigger picture and the things I do
impact the long-term objectives of the in-country host. As giving gifts of any kind
(money, clothing, jewelry, books, etc), can generate long-term ramifications to
our host and may cause bitterness, rivalry, and jealousy in others, I will not offer
any gifts to the nationals. I understand this does not apply to Thank You gifts
previously settled upon. In addition, I promise not to be demanding, to do my
best not to offend or cause embarrassment for the local church, host, or Joni and
Friends and heed the country liaison/team leader’s advice regarding attire,
eating and drinking, local customs, and traditions, all which will help me
assimilate into the local community.
7. I understand that contact with the nationals after Joni and Friends Wheels for the
World has left a country is discouraged. By doing so, I may jeopardize future
relationships with our host and future outreaches to this country.
8. Regarding differing styles of worship, I promise, when given the opportunity, to
witness my faith without an attitude of superiority.
9. If traveling with a family member or loved one, I will interact with the whole team,
not just my family member. I promise not to initiate or seek romantic
relationships with team members or nationals. I will avoid any actions which
might be perceived as amorous by team members or indigenous people.
11. I will refrain from using tobacco, alcohol, or any illegal substance while in the
country. I will refrain from participating in any prohibited activity.
12. I understand every team member involved is expected to share freely their
particular gifting, blessings, talents, and skills. I agree to fully use the gifts God
has given me.
I am physically signing the sheet not just for the mission trip I am praying to work on but also a covenant for my life personally. Maybe I'll create my own covenant to hang in my room :)
Nov 13, 2010
I understand-ish
Background story of yesterday.
I had a small group leaders meeting with all the small group leaders and our awesome leader/coordinator/ father to us all at 1:15....which I forgot about until I ran into a friend at 12:30. Well when I ran into my friend i just made it back to my apartment complex via bus. I decided I'd catch the very next bus to make it there in plenty of time... SO I made lunch and talked with roomie and then decided to facebook (oops). Missed the bus... great... so I get everything ready and I hop in Melvin and park near Minges football feild. almost missed that bus but I parked ahead of a bus stop so I can get out quickly and meet it at the next. Which I did successfully. Well after meeting and another class I came to the revelation that i forgot my licence at home. I am a super goody-two-shoes so I did not and I will not drive without my licence (unless I did not realize it) So I call my amazing boyfriend and we hang out and go on our date. afterwards we go to look for my car...I cant find it... its like 11:50pm so the lot is basically Empty. Im trying hard to flip out because my car is not where I remembered I parked it. boyfriend spots a Camry farther up and it is Melvin. It is NOT where I parked it. I remember it so vividly still where I parked it originally. Melvin was parked in sport 141, facing the curb, where off to the right of my car pillars which line along sides of the bus tract almost end. I had to walk briskly over a hill of grass, to the gate where a girl in a lime green hoodie stood waiting for the bus as well.... My car when Adam and I found it. backed up into a space, so railroad tracks were right behind it... Nothing different about it. Car mileage was roughly where I remember it, no seat adjustments, nothing missing (thank goodness nothing important was in there before) car ran fine.
The reason for this story is because while trying to figure out how my car got there, my boyfriend kept asking me, how many times did I drive to campus, are you sure your not just remembering another time...questions like that... (Now before I go on I must make a mention that before these slight questions were asked, he took the time to look into my car windows and trunk to make sure no-one was hiding in it as an amazing boyfriend should, and these questions weren't thrown in a mean manner either.) So now I am MAD...i suppress it as best as I could because my boyfriend was not meaning anything by the questions. But I thought "He thinks Im crazy! Im not crazy, This is not in my head!!" I did tell him that and i think he actually believes me... (he told me to call my parents about not going too) As we drove off in our own cars to my apartment I am hitting the steering wheel wishing that I can figure out what happened! maybe I left the car unlock in my rush to get out. Why would it be moved from a car spot that Im allowed to be parked in? How can I prove to my man im not crazy? Then I think...if Im getting angry over someone not believing that I am not crazy over a car, what about ppl who doctors tell them it is all in their head? A car is something material, easily replaced and what not...knowing something is wrong with you and doctors are saying your crazy...well your kind of attached to your body. I can understand-ish (not the same scenario but still). You are racking your brains trying to come up with all sorts of proof but the only proof is what happened to you. No physical, visual proof, just words which without faith mean nothing. Its frustrating cause being considered CRAZY without trying hurts...its not who you believe you really are.
A random example that came into my head: Words/statements apparently are true when the most ppl agree with them. A random example (and probably a bad example)is the law of gravity. basically objects are forced to the ground by a pull due to the rotation of Earth and its placement with the sun (and other factors as well..not going to be a science class). So if you throw a rock it will eventually hit the ground. Well what if I were to state that everything is magnetic! And the earth is attracting us and everything which is why everything hits the ground. I'll be considered crazy because more ppl believe in the original law of gravity. (of course I do not believe my "theory" because if everything is magnetic than something could easily be repelled by the magnetic force and things would fall at different rates due to the amount of magnetism not so much weight)
The End :D
Nov 11, 2010
Time to Kill but not enough to do something productive
1)sponges are hard to keep from smelling
2)clothes stink if they are left in the washing machine for more than 4 days
3)pepper/jalapeno pancakes are disgusting
4)traffic cones make better pets than pet rocks
5)a venus fly trap is essential for survival
6)Venus fly traps really dont eat THAT many flies
7)Bananas are the only reason I dont have scurvey
8)Disposals do not like spoons and shot glasses (duh)
9)Dont put a Lean Cusine package in the toaster oven
10)very rarley is anyone able to hold an inteligent conversation after 9 pm on tues.
11)ppl assume you wash your sheets once every two weeks...dont correct them ;)
12)PJ's = what I am wearing now...except the jeans
Nov 1, 2010
The Result
Ok well Im excited about keeping this up :D probably no more about training unless something cool or funny happens. <3
Oct 29, 2010
On Cloud 9...EEEKKKKK!!!
So cloud nine! yea its like a major high that wou just wanna stay on forever. Most of the time Cloud nine refers to relationships and being madly "in love." Nope not here! My cloud nine is about this door that has opened up right infront of me. Problem is......should I walk through..... AHHHH ok ok sorry details. Joni and friends, did I tell you in other posts? Its a disability ministry! AH started by Joni a lady who is paralayzed from i believe the neck down due to a diving accident when she was young. AMAZING CHRISTIAN LADY. anyways.... I go to the camps. One week of being paired with a buddy and helping him or her with activities. My last buddy was a sweet and adventerous 3rd grader who had Cerbral Palsy. I love their camps! I'll post websites up soon. ANYWAYS (again) I recieved an e-mail from Allison (a corrdinator and assistant to Chris who holds a Joni and Friends head quarters in Charrolette)talking about a mission trip to the Dominican Republic with their ministry called Wheels for the World. They collect old wheel chairs that are not in use anymore, have inmates work and fix them up, and then deliever them overseas to ppl who can not afford a wheelchair. :D AHHHHH so I was excited (still am) but thats not the exciting part. The e-mail made a BOLD statment that they really want OT's and PT (occupational therapists and physical therapists)so I called up Chris and asked her if a junior in college would be of any use to them. WELL she did mention a) that the young ppl get along great with the kids and
b) she was thinking earlier about how to create a program for the ppl who are waiting to be fitted for a wheelchair which can take all day considering they are providing this city with like 200 of them!! and I told her I am a recreation therapy major! that what we do is create programs for various reasons. Sooo since Im not a qualified RT Chris suggested I talk with my professors and see if I can come up with a program for ppl of various levels (from nonverbal-verbal). She mentioned that I will be seeing ppl literally carried in because they have never had a wheelchair before.... My heart just aches to be apart of giving someone a way to be more independent, a new way of life. AH I wanna go so bad! haha But mom is right I need to get off cloud nine and really analyze the pros and cons.... I see no cons! (except for cost...)
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH I still have till Nov. 15 to figure out if this is where God wants me to go for spring break...
Oct 28, 2010
Lets go backwards! 3 days left
One thing that has comeup is people's reactions. Everyone is amazed i am running a 10K and when I tell them that I highly doubt I make it past the half way mark they all say "You can do it Danielle! You'll be great!" which is awesome to hear but at the same time I know where they are coming from. Whenever a friend is attempting to do something (i guess "remarkable, rare, requiring skill or energy,") and they are trying to be reasonable, all we want to do is ignore the reasonable statment and encourage them! We want to boost their self-esteem. Yet looking back at my past mentions of what i am doing I realize I just want to wallow in self-pity for a little while. I am not actually looking for a boost in esteem. If I was looking to up my pride I would mention how well training has been going. I know I want to wallow in pity because while I am training thoughts of how little I can actually go haunt my mind. i try to focus on who would be proud of me when i cross the finish line. Dr. K from Duke would be interested and amazed, my boyfriend would be proud, my parents would be so happy, yet its not alot of motivation anymore. oh well. Im hoping the atmosphere of energy and excitement will keep me going on Sunday. And who knows maybe I can run alongside someone and talk with them or have them talk with me
Well I think this will be my last blogg on training :P I have another blog I am interested in starting about spirtiual gifts. most of it corisponse to 1 Cor. 12-15 (in that general area). By studying this section I feel a little better when faced with the questions and stories of spiritual gifts, something I have been VERY sekptical of.
Oct 5, 2010
Not too sure what day this is :D
Today I found out that an elliptical at my apartment's gym has a 10K setting!! Im hoping tonight I can see how long it takes me to do a 10K on the elliptical :D
I am either a passive person or at times passive-aggressive. I think im mostly passive-agressive especially with my roomate. When she annoys me I end up ranting about it to someone...mostly my boyfriend. Not good. It doesnt affect how you feel. I am annoyed at roomate so to "fix" the problem I rant to a friend about such roomate and that just brings up the annoyed feelings all over again. Sometimes stronger than before because I remember other times such roomie has annoyed me! Im going to start to being assertive. not Aggressive... not good...
I need to face the problems head on and in a nice yet not apolegetic manner. By being assertive I gain confidence plus with practice I'll be able to state what I believe and what I stand for better than before. Ok im tired and I have a busy day tomorrow...I'll most likley discuss this issue someother post. :D
Sep 29, 2010
Day 8?
My cold has become a slight cough but whats weird is that when I run i complete forget i have a cold at all. Its not a bad cold so it has not affected me very much. I am losing excitement though.... I was suppose to be able to run 2 miles sat. Today (wed) I can only run 1.5 miles...though I think I can easily push myself farther....I wanted to be able to run 4 miles by friday. I guess its not humanly possible.
I did have a mini-break through while running today though. If you focus on your breathing running really is easier. The reason why i stopped running after about 1.5 was because i lost concentration on my breathing. I am able to take four steps per inhaling and then 4 steps per exhaling. Zen running is what i am trying to to. I am trying to get my mind off my body and on to somethingelse. its HARD! My mind wants to keep going back to "how am i feeling?" and "I think im tired now" Well Im losing faith in myself because of my lack of distance. I really wanted to be able to run the whole 10K now i'm just shooting for half the distance... :( ick...
I am very thankful for my supportive friends who said they believed in me even though im sure they thought I was crazy... going from never running races to attempting a 10K...yea i was smart.
Sep 26, 2010
<3 well thats my update. Pray this cold goes away.
Sep 21, 2010
Day 5 for 10K
My legs were really sore yesterday. I walked for 30 mins with my friend (who I shall call Sally) and then after class ran for 10 mins straight. Today Sally and I ran for 11 mins straight. She said it killed her while I was able to go home and run for about 3 to 4/10ths of another mile back at home... Im glad i still have time to work out on my own. I want to be able to go as far as possible Oct 31. I want to use the elliptical tonight but I dont want to wear myself out. I still have school. Which reminds me...I have to work on my Small Group!!!
Sep 19, 2010
10 comandments and Days 2-4 of 10K
Day 2lil jog day 2 at friend's apartment
Day 3 Contra danced everydance and sweated like a dog! (at least I was active!) sadly I had cookout milkshake and hushpuppies afterwards...)
Day 4 3'o clock, ran almost the full mile to Gas station...mostly up hill so very proud!!! :D Tried to text training reply on when we are training tomorrow...
Sep 16, 2010
10-31 10k?
I remember how well I was able to stay away from sugar for a week when I posted my progress on here since I felt as if I had ppl keeping me accountable soooooo I am hoping that this will work again.
in class my teacher presented me with a challenge. Well the whole class, and it wasnt really a challenge...more like a suggest of something to do. Run the Wounded Marine Corp 10K oct. 31............SWEET! Well i have never run any sort a race/marathon/mile so I was skeptical yet at the same time I really had this urge to run it... (God?) who knows.
So I go to the teacher to present my problem and see if he thought it was possible for me to do it. As I was attempting to describe my "concern" he basically shuted me upped and introduced me to his TA Holly. Shes in the same boat as me!!! SOoooo long story short, starting mon morning I am going to be training with Holly for the 10K Oct first. I will be posting updates and prgress and challenges just cause having to refect keeps me motivated. I am also going to create a motivation paper for my door.
1) lost of weight!
2) goal to become a runner for awhile now being completed
3) force to be healthy
4) show off to my doctors
5) confidence in my abilities!
I should make a mention of something since I mentioned doctors. I have Rhuematoid Arthritis. Look it up and you will see pics of distorted hands... no worries! that is the extreme untreated result of RA. I take meds that control it. So I have many docs. at a certain cool hospital. Well thats always been my excuse for the lack of endurance and strength...not anymore. As of now I consider RA to be GONE! no more! Healed! I am in Remission and I can run just like anyone else!! I will not complain I will become friends with Holly, learn all I can about her, and maybe we can have talks about Christ and God! Im sure she is a Christian but who knows :) Im excited!
I have told 5 ppl. 3 of which live close to me at college, 2 hrs away. One of them, my sister, agreed to being my accountablity partner and is going to push me :D Bring on the challenge! Im going to do this! I want so bad to succeed! Why? cause for years now I have always wanted to be able to run a I am going to learn to run (more jog) with the big girls and guys!
Ok well I'll keep you updated for sure starting mon.
Aug 17, 2010
Joni and Friends...idea...
Definition of a chruch (to me): A group of believers gathering together in worship and love to God so that they are able to not only reach those lost but to support EVERYONE by giving of resources and time to glorify God. (of course this is MY view of a church...I should probably re-evaluate my definition to match with verses from the bible...)
I picture a ministry with a small group class specifically for people who have a disablility (ppl making friends with others facing the same issues, not just medical), the same ministry should be able to provide resources to families and others. The church needs to be loving to EVERYONE! think of the poor mother who can not find a loving church home because of her son with autism creating disturbances. Think about how hard it is for the torn family with out a support of others even if the others do not truly know what it is like to have a member with a disabliity.
But then doubt sets in. I am so young... yet I want to. IV has been giving me the tools to start a small group... But is that enough? What else is needed to start and hold a ministry together? People who have experience. A missions ministry doesnt really do its job unless a missionary or someone who was once highly involed in missions is behind the sences right?
I have to be patient and in constant prayer about this. Maybe God has someone on this mission. Idk its just another thought as I enter another season of my life. <3
Aug 15, 2010
Joni and Friends and Sacrifice
Constantly people kept talking about how much of a sacrifice us STM’s were giving to serve at Joni and Friends. To me sacrifice is doing something you demise doing but it is as an act of worship to God. Something you really don’t want to do but you desperately want to do God’s will so you do it. Sacrifices were used as away to cleanse people of sins right? People killed the choice/prized animal from their flock and it was usually a lamb (or a dove?) to kill. This took time and the chance of selling something for big bucks! I never felt like I was sacrificing anything except maybe money but my parents can help me with that. I am paying for the trip all on my own but if I ever need help with finances they will chip in for my needs. I never wanted to go to Joni and Friends. I love it! I am so willing to work and do whatever is asked of me (yes even change a 10 year old’s pull-ups). But, while writing this, I think I realize the real sacrifice is once I return home (or I should say being at home). Once at home it seems my patient, grace, willingness to serve, is gone. I become easily frustrated again. I snap at my parents over little things just like before I left for Joni and Friends. My sacrifice is changing for God. To be Christ-like in my house…which feels pointless now. I am leaving for school in 4 days but I will start now and truly focus on my words, attitude, and actions. It might be too late to start but its better late than never right?
Ways I shall act more Christ-like in my house:
1. Help mom around the house.
2. Think before I snap or accuse.
3. Share how much they mean to me.
Aug 7, 2010
Bring on the Trip!
Anyways Im hoping to come back with stories and greater insight about the God I love. We shall see. This week at Joni and Friends Im going to seriously monitor what I eat cause I remember last year the space between meals were SHORT!!
Well i need to finish packing. Im praying God teaches me alot and uses me in His plan.
Aug 4, 2010
What to do/say
I am very bad when it comes to these life questions. I feel like I should be able to say some amazing bit of wisdom that will make this person feel better. I just want the pain to go away in that special person. While thinking about death and how to handle it I have realized one thing... (maybe im wrong and this doesnt apply to everyone) people tend to show their "understanding" by comparing stories. "I remember when..." "I know its hard..." I thought about those statements and I wonder how effective that really is in helping the other person. Maybe the person originally sought you out because you have been through a similar person or maybe you are just a really close friend. Either way, dont those statements take the focus away from the person and back on to you? Humans are naturally prideful and long for attention. But without trying to show our understanding do we feel worthless? I do. Most of what my friends go through I do not truly understand. I except an array of emotions and I long to just make them smile, and I feel worthless when I can not compare situations and offer any sort of hope.
Now what if the very fact you do not understand your loved one's situation causes you to have lack of sympathy. Im not saying you dont feel bad that they are sad, but that when they are not talking to you about it you truly can live on day-to-day with out a least bit of worry. For example, if your friend's dog dies and you never had a pet before...there is little understanding in why someone would care and become so distraught over an animal. How much of your day would be affected by that news? Im sure you would go and comfort him/her in the way you do but does your heart hurt?
Does it make me a bad person when i feel that way?
Aug 1, 2010
A KOA story created for a friend
So here I am, sitting in what the great KOA calls the Hot Box, waiting for people to arrive and receive these yellow chairs with three wheels called banana bikes for how ever long they decided to pay for. The Hot Box is currently living up to its name. This little 3X5 shack is where all the yellow banana bike magic happens while simultaneously collecting all the sun’s amazing, warm, bright rays and heating the inside of this already 91 Fahrenheit prism.
While sitting in this magical heat collecting little shack, I pondered the existence of life, my future in general, and how many calories are in Ed’s chocolate covered cherry fudge. From caloric intake to my personal life my mind was too preoccupied to notice the swarm of screeching, flying monkeys coming over the mountains for an attack! Sun-burnt customers running out from the pool and creek could easily be heard from the Casino 20 minutes away, screaming. I, also fearful of the Wizard of Oz looking monkeys closed up the one window in the Hot Box. While rocking back and forth in a curled up position in a corner in the barely standing shack, I heard a pounding, similar to the sound of hail hitting a tin roof, all over the sides and roof of the uncomfortably warm Hot Box. Gathering the courage to stand up and peek out of the only window. What I saw in the little crack were flying gumballs and suckers! I could only assume (due to the fact I could only see the ground through my slightly lifted window) that the monkey’s evil scheme was to pelt us with the hard, sugary, candy and then create massive amounts of pain in children by the creation of cavities and rotting teeth. How could the children ignore the delicious treats painfully raining down around us?
“Eeeeekkk!” I gasped. I swooshed back into my corner thinking about the possibility of escape from this doom or if there was anyone who could save the KOA kampground from this horror!
“This looks like a job for Dr. Krystal!” I shouted while standing up in a corney, yet heroic superhero position (you know, hands on hips, chest out head held high). “Only one problem,” I stated out loud. “The only phone is in the main office! I am going to have face the monkeys and their sugar-filled ammo!” I exclaimed as I were in a movie. Off to the door of my one-window shack. I thrusted the door open with a bang and shot out of the Hot Box in to the rain of gumballs and suckers and into the sound of screeching flying monkeys! Trying hard to dodge the evil, bruising candy, I ran to the office in a zig-zag like fashion only to discover that running in such a manner only works for avoiding hungry lions and alligators.
Feeling the sting of the candy I arrived into the air-conditioned office trying hard not to burst into tears from the pain. I blindly stumbled inside with tears beginning to arise in my eyes. Oh the pain of hard candy! I ran, (or at least attempted to run) to the nearest phone. I dialed as fast as I could the number that I had memorized for emergency purposes like this one. 1-828-555-6739014 (Dr. Krystal had an argument with the phone company and this was their revenge…)
“Dr. Krystal here. I am in the mid-“
“Dr. Krystal, the KOA kampground needs your help!” I yelled. “Evil candy-throwing monkeys are trying to harm the precious KOA kampers by giving the kids pain cavities!”
“Oh dear! But what am I to do?” Dr. Krystal asked.
“Dr. K!” I yelled in shock of her doubt. “You are the most qualified person to save the day! You are the nation’s top Dentist in all 50 states of America and have been named Dr. K Super-Dentist! You have the skills and the knowledge to protect and help the innocent KOA kids!”
“I do have this new advanced product I have wanted to try,” Dr. K Super-Dentist replied. “it has the ability to keep teeth clean and cavity-free for 368 days (that’s right more than a year) straight!”
“Perfect!” I yet again yelled into the phone (Dr. Krystal now has a hearing aide in her right ear thanks to me ). “The monkeys will become frustrated by their failing plan and fly to the Yogi Bear campground and rot the teeth of whoever stays there!”
“By Pigeon Forge, we have a plan,” Dr. Krystal exclaimed. “Sherri (her nurse), please inform Ms, Jen when she wakes up that I will remove the other half of her wisdom tooth as soon as I save the day. I am on my way to the KOA!”
I protected myself in the safe room of the office, positioning my body back into the rocking baby movements in the corner. Hearing the screeching of the monkeys and pounding of the candy, I shivered…or maybe it’s the temperature of the office. I am use to 90 degrees and in here it was kept perfectly at 71 degrees. Either way I shivered.
Then the screeching became more of a horrified squealing and kid’s laughter started to take the place of terrified screaming. Dr. K Super-Dentist must have arrived for kids were enjoying the candy with out the formation of cavities and the monkeys were heading north to the Yogi Bear Campground. I shot out of the main office into the heat to see Dr. Krystal giving the kids dissolvable teeth protectors.
“Dr. K, You are my hero!” I shouted over the laughter.
“Well if it wasn’t for you, I would have never come.” Dr. K Super Dentist replied.
When the last child had his teeth protected and ran off to join everyone in the sweet sugar feast, Dr. K drove off into the distance to become a normal dentist…for now.
(I returned to the Hot Box and enjoyed the fact that I did not work housekeeping because kids were eating too much candy and candy and heat do not go together if you get my drift)
Jul 29, 2010
Well anyways here is an updated I wanted to share.
I GOT A HULA HOOP! hahaha I can hula-hoop for 5+ mins straight! (im proud of this ok!) Just round and around and around my hips will go hopefully to get toner, and hopefully to master the skill. :D
well I was talking with a very awesome/speacial someone last night and we got on the the topic of what we picture our married life to be like. Here are some questions I personally should probably think over...
1) Do you picture yourself with kids?
2) You would become or like your spouse to become a stay-at-home parent for the kids?
The deal is..I dont want kids at the moment and I feel as though if I do have kids I would want to be a stay at home mom for them.... I have to ponder this more....
Jul 17, 2010
day 4&5 and part of day 6
ok time for work
Jul 13, 2010
day 2 continued
I'll try starting to day to pick up my clothes each night before bed.
Day2 :)
Yesterday I figured that I should clarify what I mean by a "sugar-free" fast. Im not going to buy everything sugar-free, Im just staying away from unnessecary fattening foods.
Today is gong to be the real test. Work...full of foods, sugar, and southern cooking... and free samples of fudge the entire day. I'll keep you updated.
Jul 11, 2010
Sugar Fast?
Starting at 11:05 July 11, 2010, Danie will not have a bite of sugar for a whole week...during this time, when i get a craving I will find ways to couter-out those cravings by either eating fruit or trying to pray with God. Like a real fast!
I will post how it is gong everynight...i will not fail! With God's help I will teach myself how I do not need sugar! I need God!
Jun 22, 2010
Summer Season
I might have mentioned that my friend Becca and I are going to be co-leading a small group together. Its not a bible study but a group of ppl getting to know each other and to understand the bible. I want this to be a true, God-blessed, transforming community for everyone including me. I cant wait for it to start. Becca and I are looking into Ephesians... We shall see.
Oh btw work is teaching me a few things about how to present myself to ppl who are a)standoff-ish b) annoyed at something or you c)might be easily angered...
Just sweet talk. When proverbs said not to respond to anger with anger, its making a good point. By always talking in a sweet patient voice you are able to keep the tempers of others down as well. When faced with an angry customer just relax and calmly run the situation over with them. That will eliminate some confusion hopefully. be patient kind, cheerful, and as helpful as possible no matter how annoyed you are or "stupid" the person seems. No-one is stupid just confused, like me when trying to buy a parking pass for school. Its really easy! if your the person who works for the student parking center and if you created the website. But for someone who wants to just quickly buy the pass and check it off her to-do list, it can become easily confusing with numbers, deals, places to park, ect. Then you cant even figure out where the buy parking pass button even is or whether or not you even want to drive again!
So i have to make this short cause i highly doubt you want to read somthing long.Fit this in with whatever is bugging you. Maybe this will help...maybe not...this is from my wise amazing friend Beula:
"giving in means not worrying about it at all. just knowing that God knows all of what's going on and that He's gonna take care of it. we need to stop trying in the first place."
We try to understand, we try to fix things, we try to plan for the future... God knows what has happened, whats going on, and what will come. We can never fully understand the whole situation to anything. We do not know everyones indivual thoughts and thoughts behind actions.
Ok that is all for now... Maybe my blogs will become interesting...maybe not... we shall see <3
(What are your thoughts on Eph. 1? what are your thoughts on predestination?)
May 1, 2010
The Average Cost of Shopping Cart
Apr 30, 2010
Apr 28, 2010
My first post
This is my first blog ever so I am brand new... I guess since I'm starting a blog i should fill you all in on who I am!
I am a God-loving 19 year old at a college 7 hours away from my parents and sis. I love all sorts of music: rock, country, metal, soft, indie, easy listening, etc. but I turn away from most rap music especially songs like "i can rock your bed." I just don't like songs that are solely about sex. I can fit my self into any crowd. I don't drink and I most likely wont drink when I turn 21. I don't condemn drinking, go ahead and drink, I just dont see the point in it when i can act tipsy with lemonade haha. Also I would rather make sure everyone is safe then have to depend on someone else for my safety even if im not planning on getting drunk.
I love life. I am a very optomistic person! It is hard for me to see the "bad" habits, actions, ect of people when I first meet them. I want to thank GOD for my love of life and of people. God is who gave me this joy of life. and though it may sound childish, corny, whatever...God seriously is to blame for my continuous good moods through out my life. In a book I have been slowly reading "Experiencing God" by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King, God is different to each person because each person truly gets to know God through experiences.
To me God is:
- my salvation first and foremost
- My hope
- my friend and teacher
- my provider
- my peace
I am not going to tell you all of the reason why God means so much to me. Maybe for you God is your protector/shield? Your Father? Your strength? Only you know because God has been there in your life. No-one will ever truly understand you. no-one has heard/seen every thought/action you have done and no-one can truly understand your heart like God. I did not meant this to sound like fire and brimstone, but there is hope to that statment. While others may look down at you for whatever reason, as long as it was with heart of loving God then who cares what people think? Matthew 10:28 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." If you have accepted the gift of Christ Jesus into your heart then who do you have to fear? No one! God will not destroy you! Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have you' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Ok I am done, very sorry about that! Well it is almost the end of my first year at University! I have met some amazing people, faced some trails, and overall grown up and grown closer with God. Other than school work I kept myself busy this year with Campus Crusade for Christ and then in the middle of the semester, InterVarsity. WOW! Campus Crusade for Christ was a great place to find amazing Christian friends but through IV...I have made, hopefully, the longest lasting friendships! I have grown closer to God through IV and my friends and this year was the first year of have a slightly consistent daily bible study every morning. Sad to say I am not having that this week....
I have a boyfriend, I am going to live in an apartment next year, and i hope to have more meaningful blogs next time. Watched the movie "Julie and Julia?" I want to do a blog like that. Something crazy and weird. I dont want to become popular like Julia did. I just want to do something crazy for next year. Good news is I am going to be leading an all girls small group next year with my amazing Sister in Christ and ultimately one of my best friends Rebecca. Many of those gatherings will be posted on here. :)
People like to know what you like to do for fun...something that involves ppl and moving around. I like to go for walks mostly. Listening and singing along to my ipod even if i do look slightly crazy... I just like to hang with people and be socialable. Oh btw I have a few nicknames that might well describe me better: Giggles, Lizard, Dani, Slappy G. (from a card game Eyptian RatScrew, I slap and grab the cards away so Slappy Grabby). Yay card games! I just love people! Call it motherly instincts or what but I just love sitting and listening to people's stories, just talking and sharing jokes, or whatever. You learn alot if you just sit, listen, and hug.
Oh thats a good thing to talk about! Hugging! Umm Another amazing book is "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman! Read it! Well Im going to describe it in short. the five love languages: Physical touch, Words of Affrimation, Quality Time, Acts of Service and Gift giving. Basically one person does two of these traits often and very well and they feel loved most when ppl talk in their love language. For example, my love languages are quality time and physical touch. I love giving out hugs, i tend to just randomly touch someone shoulder and I love to spend time with you even if we are not really doing anytihng together just being in the same room means alot to me. I will remember you more and care about you more. physcial touch is not about the sexual things... just saying... I like to cuddle, hug, play with hair, ect. and I like to have my hair played with to and maybe a back massage would be nice every once in awhile...ahhhh.. haha!
Well I have typed enough for my first blog. I hope I didnt bore you and I hope to tell you my adventures for this summer! Maybe I'll come up with some sort of challenge :D
Love from me!